2010-№4(29) Article 8

S.A. Makurenkova

Poetic apotheoses: Goethe as a topical issue of Russian literature. p.72-76

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UDC 8И (German)


The article analyzes the implementation of the theme of Faust in Russian literature. It treats some translations of Goethe’s “Faust” into Russian. The paper centers on two translations made by Pasternak, that of an early (1785) unfinished poem “Mysteries” (1922) and that of “Faust” (1957). The author analyzes a new interpretation of chapter 2 of “Faust”, suggested by Yu.Yurchenko in his book “‘Faust’. Deciphering the Poem. Pasternak vs. Stalin” (Saint Petersburg, 2010).


apologia, Goethe, realism, romanticism, Faust.



1. Zhirmunskij, V.M. Gyote v russkoj literature. [Goethe in Russian literature]. Leningrad, Goslitizdat, 1937.

2. Makurenkova, S.А. Ontologiya slova: apologiya poehta. Obretenie Аtlantidy. [Ontology of the word: the poet’s apology. Discovering Atlantis]. Moscow, Logos-Gnosis, 2004.

3. Pushkin, А.S. Sochineniya. [Works]. Moscow, Khudozhestvennaya literatura, 1949.

4. Yurchenko, YU. Zashifrovannaya poehma «Faust»: Pasternak protiv Stalina. [The encrypted poem “Faust”: Pasternak against. Stalin: – Petersburg, Azbuka-Klassika, 2010. 255p.
