2011-№4(33) Article 7

T.V. Spiridonova

The passage of the educational bills in the 105th U.S. Congress. p 64-71

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UDC 971


The divided government influence on the legislative process in the U.S. educational sphere (1997–1998) is considered in the article. The role of the Republican opposition on the adoption of the bills is analyzed.


Congress, the Democratic party, divided government, opposition, the Republican party.



1. Bennet, J. President, Citing Education as Top Priority of 2nd Term, Asks for a «Call to Action»// The New York Times (Late Edition (East Coast)). –1997. – 5, Febr. 2. Congressional Quarterly Almanac. – Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly Inc., 1975.

3. Congressional Quarterly Almanac. 105th Congress. 1st session. – Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly Inc., 1997. – Vol. 53.

4. Congressional Quarterly Almanac. 105th Congress. 2nd session. – Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly Inc., 1998. – Vol. 54.

5. Congressional Records: Proclamations and Debates of the Congress (105), session (1), Vol. 143.

6. Congressional Records: Proclamations and Debates of the Congress (105), session (2), Vol. 144. Pt. 21.

7. Franklin, M.N. Are American Voters Choosing a Divided Government?//The Chronicle of Higher Education. – 1997. – 17, Jan. – Vol. 43. –Iss. 19.
