2013-№1(38) Article 4

A.V. Kareva

Tradition and innovation in the history of Russian statehood: M.M. Speransky’s plans for political reform. р. 29–38

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UDC 947


The article analyzes attempts at political reform in Imperial Russia in the 19th century. In the early 19th century Russian political thinkers searched for strategies of political reformation based on Western European model. An important role in the preparation and implementation of political reforms was played by M.M. Speransky, an outstanding Russian statesman. M.M. Speransky’s plan for political reform is a complex multidimensional phenomenon. The article treats the causes which prevented a full implementation of the plan. It focuses on the Russian reformer’s role in the consolidation of Russian statehood and the development of the Russian constitutional system.


Russia, M.M. Speransky, absolute monarchy, modernization, political reform, constitutional system, separation of powers, law–governed state.



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