2014-№4(45) Article 11

S.N. Filushkina

Graham Greene: the philosophical aspect of his literary works. Р. 107–114.

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UDC 821.111


The pecularity of Greene’s philosophical position is connected with his active hostibility to every consistent theory – religious, moral, ethical, social and political. In the writer’s opinion the complete quality of these conceptions inevitably results in dogma which rejects the variety and complication of the life, of human relations and emotions. Greene reveals an abstract character of catholic ethics, of juridical laws, political ideologems and asserts the rights of human values, connected with individual moral feelings, feelings always living and concrete. In the narration they are embodied in expressive details. But being a pessimist Greene is convinced of perpetual disgarmony of human existence.

classification, compassion, dogma, fatal accident, labels, love, personal responsibility, pious-sinful



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2. Vladimirova, N.G. Uslovnost’, sozidayushchaya mir. Poetika uslovnykh form v sovremennom romane Velikobritanii [The conventionality of waging peace. The poetics of conventional forms of the modern novel in the UK] [Text] / Novgorod State University of Yaroslav the Wise. – Veliky Novgorod, 2001. – 270 p.
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