2014-№1(42) Article 6

M.Yu. Gosudareva

The establishment of the 3rd Commission on commerce. P. 60-68.

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UDC 947.06


The paper uses the documentary material of the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts to learn about the establishment of the 3rd Commission on Commerce during the reign of Catherine II. The paper analyzes the projects on domestic and foreign commerce of the Russian Empire prepared by an outstanding Russian diplomat, Russian ambassador to Turkey, Governor of Orenburg, Senator, I.I. Nepluev (1693–1773). A number of I.I. Nepluev’s suggestions were realized by Catherine’s government. Thus, in the early years of her reign (the years of Nepluev’s activity) tax farming and many monopolies were abolished. As for the directions of foreign commerce, the ex-Governor of Orenburg favored the eastern direction. I.I. Nepluev’s projects show that their author was not only a political and economic theorist, but an experienced practitioner, who was searching for feasible ways of increasing Russian profits, improving foreign commerce, and ensuring prosperity of his motherland.


Commerce, trade, Commission on Commerce, projects, Russia.



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