2014-№2(43) Article 4

A.S. Starikov

Sleep disturbances as early signs of Parkinson’s disease. P.36-49.

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UDC 616.8


The paper focuses on the relationship between sleep disorders and motor and non-motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. The author suggests that sleep disorders and tremor are associated with lesions of the reticular formation of brainstem. On one hand, tremors from Parkinson’s disease disappear during sleep, but on the other hand, 39 % of 337 examined patients with Parkinson’s disease experience sleep disturbances. Sleep disturbances have symptoms of narcolepsy. In the majority of cases patients experience an overwhelming desire to sleep during waking hours as well as when participating in some activities.
Short episodes of sleepiness, which last several minutes, can be experienced by patients during several days or during several months. The author maintains that sleep disorders are associated with lesions of the reticular formation of brainstem. Some patients experience double vision, which is associated with lesions of the periaqueductal grey.
Pathogistological research conducted by the author proved that lesions spread to the midbrain dopaminergic neurons, the reticular formation of brainstem, and the periaqueductal grey.
Insomnia is a non-motor symptom of Parkinson’s disease. It usually precedes tremor by several weeks and even years and may serve as an indication for prevention therapy.


Parkinson’s disease, sleep disorders, pathogenesis.



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