2014-№3(44) Article 11

N.V. Lavrentyeva

M.YU. Lermontov’s and N.Lenau’s traditions in B.L. Pasternak’s cycle of poems «My sister – life». P. 104-113.

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The comparative research of Russian and German literary and cultural relations is a perspective trend in contemporary linguistics. B.L. Pasternak was an admirer of Russian and German literary culture of the 19th century. The article traces the influence of M.Yu. Lermontov’s and N. Lenau’s poetry on B. Pasternak’s poetic collection “My Sister – Life”. The three poets have poetic resemblance, their personal lives also have a lot in common.
A special emphasis is laid on the analysis of the Dedication to Lermontov and the epigraphs, which are closely interrelated with the content of the poetic collection and introduce additional associations. B. Pasternak mentions the names of M. Lermontov and N.Lenau in his poems, he uses their poetic lines as epigraphs to his verses, he elaborates the motifs that were used by the Russian and the German classical poets (the motif of dream). B. Pasternak’s lyrical heroine is closely related to the heroines created by N. Lenau and M. Lermontov.

Russian and German literary relations, B. Pasternak, N. Lenau, M. Lermontov, Girl image dream motif



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