2016 №4 (53) Article 13

L.N. Fedoseyeva

Denotative functions of words in Russian sentences (at the example of locative functions). P.114- 120.

UDC 811.161.1’371


The paper treats functions of linguistic units as strategies that are used by language speakers to achieve their communicative purposes. Sentences are treated as linguistic vehicles that semantically en-capsulate and transfer information related to real or hypothetical situations. The participants of real or hypothetical situations are denotatively related to one another and to the situation as a whole. The article uses Russian locative expressions (locative, directive-start, directive-finish, transitive) to illustrate the real-ization of the denotative function of words in a sentence. The article describes the semantic structure of such words and characterizes such transitional phenomena as situatives, i.e. lexical items which express the location of things in comparison with one another (for example: location and conditions, location and surface, location and façade). It should be noted that lexical units that encode the spatial relation-ships between entities can also perform actantal functions. The article maintains that denotative func-tions should be distinguished from quasy-functions. The article concludes that various combinations of denotative functions form sentence structures. The knowledge of locative expressions (limited in number) that encapsulate typical situations allows a language user to interpret the information that is communi-cated by means of various lexical and syntactic units. This is crucial for linguodidactics, especially for teaching Russian as a foreign language.

denotative function, locative, sentence, typical situation.


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