2016 №4 (53) Article 17

L.P. Gashkova

The peculiarities of heavy metal accumulation in wetland plants of the south-east of Western Siberia. P.146-158.

UDC 581.5(57)


The paper deals with an urgent issue of establishing background concentrations of heavy metals in plants. The paper treats the concentrations of lead, copper, cadmium and zinc (Pb, Cu, Cd and Zn) in different wetland plant species in undisturbed swamps of the Tomsk Region (Bakcharsky District, Kolpashevsky District, Kozhevnikovsky District). The paper maintains that heavy metal concentrations in the upper swamps do not exceed the maximum permissible levels of heavy metal concentration in the region. The paper analyzes vertical differentiation of Pb, Cu, Cd and Zn concentrations in upper parts and lower parts of plants, in tissues of wood, plant, moss, grass, etc. The paper maintains that different groups of plants accumulate heavy metals at different rates. Woody plants accumulate Zn extensively, mosses accumulate Pb. The lower parts of plants accumulate more Cu and Pb than their upper parts. The paper analyzes geochemical characteristics of various districts and maintains that geochemical characteristics are predetermined by prevailing plant species, marshy water levels, heavy metal concentrations in turf, turf resources.

biogene accumulation, cadmium, copper, lead, background levels. Zinc, vegetation levels


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