2016 №4 (53) Article 19

Ž. Bjeljac, Ј. Rоmеlić, N. Ćurčić

Place and role of tourism geography in higher education in Serbia. P.166-178.

UDC 378.9(497.11)


Since the 60s of the 20th century to the present, the study of tourism has a dualistic character, i.e., it has been studied in terms of geography (tourism geography) and the economy (tourism economics). This paper explores the place and role of geography in tourism education, from the aspect of higher education in Serbia during the period of transition. Since the 90s of the 20th century to the present, tourism geography, as a subject at universities in Serbia has changed its role and significance during the education reform. This paper aims to determine the essential function of geographical science in the study of the phenomenon of tourism in general, by analyzing the syllabus of the faculties that examine tourism geography.  

tourism geography, tourismology, transition, higher education, Serbia.


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