2016 №2 (51) Article 10

Уu.A. Yuzhakova

Pseudo-composite sentences with the meaning of equality in the Russian language. P. 102- 108.


UDC 811.161.1’367

The paper treats pseudo-composite sentences that are used to express the meaning of “equality”. It focuses on their structural and semantic peculiarities in the Russian language. The paper analyzes one of the means of expressing “absolute equality” when comparing phenomena form different points of view. The first phenomenon is treated as a real one, while the other phenomenon is treated as possible or preferable. The use of pseudo-composite sentences is typical of the Russian language, which has several types of pseudo-composite sentences. The structure of such sentences ideally expresses the meaning of equality. The author analyzes the constructions with the verb “to do”, which highlight the only possible action. The sentences of this type are build on a number of various models.

syntax, pseudo-composite sentence, equality, linguistic category, uniqueness.


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