2016 №2 (51) Article 11

N.I. Belunova

Textual cohesion and coherence in letters to friends (at the example of letters of Russian intelligentsia of the late 19th – early 20th centuries). P.109- 121.


UDC 811.161.1’373

The article deals with coherence and cohesion of letters to friends, which are realized through coordinating conjunctions as a means of linking paragraphs; clichés that signal the beginning of a new paragraph and indicate the beginning of a new topic; “me” – “you” structural elements of a friendly letter, such as the formula of addressing your communicant and the formula of signing a letter; clichés like “Let me tell you everything in order”. The article maintains that friendly letters are characterized by a variety of topics, which makes them closer to oral speech, but does not violate their coherent and cohesive character. Friendly letters have all characteristics of written texts, and are often literary.

paragraph, friendly letter, coherence and cohesion, category of text, text, fragment, variety of topics.


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