2016-№2(51) Article 1

A.A. Kolesnikov

Modeling of the professionally-oriented situations as a means of professionally-oriented linguistic competence development (high school). P. 9-19.


The paper presents a technology of modeling professionally-oriented situations within the framework of professionally-oriented linguistic education in high school. The described method of modeling promotes the development of professionally-oriented linguistic competence and professional self-determination of students in the conditions of multilinguistic and multicultural professional activities. The author describes the structure of communicative situations that serve as a basis for modeling, which includes a number of stages: 1) the description of basic elements of professional interaction, 2) the analysis of the academic and methodological content of professionally-oriented linguistic education, 3) the selection of forms and techniques of modeling, 4) the implementation of modeling aimed at securing the awareness of the role of a foreign language and intercultural communication in professional situations, 5) reflection. The stage of implementation contains cognitive, communicative and active components.

Modeling, professionally-oriented linguistic education, professionally-oriented linguistic competence, professionally-oriented education

UDC 372.881.1

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