2016 №4 (53) Article 3

A.S. Gavrikova

V.F. Matveev about the manifestation of public opinion in Russia and England. P.23-27.

UDC 321.019.5(47+410)


The article evaluates public participation in social and political life in Russia, and the role of British experience of public participation in the late 19th — early 20th century. Increasing public participation in social and political life in Russia was preconditioned by considerable social and political developments, such as reforms of Tsar Alexander II, liberalization, relaxation of censorship, public awakening, it was also preconditioned by UK’s transition to a more democratic political regime in the 19th century. Professor Vladimir Feodorovich Matveev (1881–1919), a founder of Perm Temporal Committee of the Cadet Party, focused in his works on public participation in social and political life. His research was propelled by his professional business trips to France, England and Germany in 1907–1908 and 1913–1915 where he worked on his Master’s thesis “A Right to Participate in Public Meetings: a Historical Overview and Contemporary Developments in France, England and Germany”. He explored the functions and characteristics of British public meetings and investigated the possibility of adapting them to the Russian context. The article analyzes similarities of British and Russian social and political systems and muses over the possibility of adapting British experience of evolutionary political transformations to the Russian context.

 bill, power, elections, democracy, voting rights, constitution, liberalization, meeting, opinion, monarchy, society, parliament, parliamentary reforms, parties, party political system , petition, policy, political system, government, legal awareness, transformations, reforms, evolution, electors.


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