2016 №4 (53) Article 4

N.N. Kruchkov

A minor character: a literary representation of A.P. Volynsky. P.28-36.

UDC 323(47)“17”:821.161.1“18”


The paper analyzes a literary representation of artemy volynsky in unknown literary works of the 1860s-1870s and investigates whether historic research influenced writers’ attitude to the cabinet minister. The case of Cabinet Minister A.P. Volynsky was the last political case during Anna Ivanovna’s reign and his decapitation was strongly associated with Ernst Johann von Biron’s reign of terror. The pa-per employs historical-genetic method of research (the method is based on descriptive techniques and is aimed at explaining facts, reasons, causes, and results) to analyze historical novels and other literary works. The research is topical, for the author attempts to explore the historical development of Russian society and its ideals, as well as to explore the development of social opinions to Russian history.

A.P. Volynsky, A.Th. Pissemsky, S.A. Lodyzhensky (Bulkin), historical novel, literary tradition, literary image, historical memory.


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