2016 №4 (53) Article 6

I.M. Erlihson

 Sidney’s political views in the 1660s (based on Court Maxims”, 1665). P.43-55.

UDC 1(410)“16”


The paper analyzes the political work “Court Maxims” written by Algernon Sidney (1622–1683), an outstanding English political philosopher of the 17th century. Starting with the 18th century, A. Sidney’s philosophical heritage has been in constant focus of historiographers. However, the philoso-pher’s political views have never been treated unanimously. The author of the article maintains that A. Sidney is both an adherent of liberal constitutionalism and a proponent of English republicanism, both a theoretician and a practitioner. The work “Court Maxims”, which was published in the 1970s, threw some light on the evolution of the political philosopher’s views. In his work, A. Sidney focuses on key issues of political philosophy of that period, namely on the issues of freedom and slavery, separation of powers, royal prerogative, the Restoration of the monarchy, corruption, relations between people and the state.

  1. Sidney, England, republicanism, absolutism, Restoration, freedom, public thought


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