2017 №1(54) Article 9

D.A. Marshuba

German nationalist political elite as reflected   in the “New-York Times” during the election campaign in 1929–1930. P.68- 78.

UDC 943.085.2:002.5(09)(73)


The paper analyzes the materials published by the “New-York Time” in 1929–1930 to focus on the key aspects of the political struggle between the leaders of the National Socialist Movement in Germany. The paper treats American journalistsʼ opinions and their prognosis of further development of Germany after the parliamentary election in 1930. The paper provides a comparative analysis of American journalistsʼ attitudes towards the possibility of dictatorship in Germany as a response to public displeasure with economic and social uncertainty associated with the Republican Party after World War I.

Weimar Republic, dictatorship, Law against the Enslavement of the German People, parliamentary election in Germany (1930), plebiscite.



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