2017-№3 (56) Article 21

E.V. Biryukova

Small Town Social-Economic Peculiarities in the Tambov Region  . P. 164 –177.

UDC [338:91](471.326)


The article treats small towns of the Tambov Region. It characterizes their history, their geo-graphical position, demography, industry, transportation, and infrastructure. It analyzes statistical data on their demography and economics and shows natural and migration population dynamics in 2000–2016 both in every town and in the region as a whole. The article presents a map showing the distribution of age groups across the region. The map also shows the distribution of industries across the region and towns with a better developed industrial structure (agriculture and food industry). The article analyzes transportation productivity. It describes some peculiar features of small towns of the Tambov Region and their recreational potential.

small towns, population, industries, industry, recreational potential, Tambov region, transpor-tation.



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