2018 №1(58) Article 4

Pinchuck V.N.

Philosophies of Soviet Leaders of 1930–1939 P. 35-43

UDC  947.084.6«1930/1939»

The article analyzes philosophical ideas cherished by prominent Soviet leaders: N.K. Krupskaya, A.V. Lunacharsky, E.M. Yaroslavsky, and M.I. Kalinin. The four Soviet leaders were engaged in the dissemination of Marxist-Leninist revolutionary theory viewed by them as a new stage of Marxism. The four leaders were adherents of materialism, atheism, anti-idealism, socialism, and communism. They adhered to largely similar philosophical principles with minor axiological, epistemological, ethical and aesthetical differences. The article underlines the desire of the four Soviet leaders to create a new ideology which can be adapted by a socialistic state, the desire to create an ideology based on anti-religious, collectivist, anti-democratic principles disregarding peopleʼs rights and freedoms. The article enables the readers to see what philosophical ideas expressed by Krupskaya, Lunacharsky, Yaroslavsky, and Kalinin are still relevant and what philosophical ideas expressed by the four people are downright obsolete.


atheism, dialectics, idealism, communism, Marxism, Marxism-Leninism, materialism, philosophy, moral, leadership, religion, socialism, ethics, aesthetics




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