2018 №2(59) Article 12

Tesalovsky A.A., Avdeev Yu.M.

The Geodetic Basis of the USA Land Demarcation System. P. 88-96.

UDC 528(73)

The paper analyzes the peculiarities of the geodetic basis of the USA land demarcation system (the rectangular system of land demarcation). It specifies the territory to which the rectangular system does not apply. The state of Idaho is used to illustrate the role of the zero point, the intersection of the prime meridian and the base line. The article describes the system of land demarcation based on the top-down principle (from generalities to specifics): quarter, district, area, etc. It characterizes the system nomenclature and specifies methods which are used to solve various problems: problems associated with the conversion of coordinates of the spherical coordinate system to the plane coordinate system, problems associated with meridian convergence, and problems associated with the prevalence of the rectangular system of land demarcation. The article analyzes the formation of irregular sections due to meridian convergence and border intersection. It defines the notion of a porous border and explains the difference between a corner point used to mark the turning point of a cadastral unit and a marker used to identify the location of a corner. The article also deals with means of long-term boundary markers restoration, which enable boundary retention.


base line, Boyces’ prime meridian, zero point, meridian convergence, sector.



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