2018 №2(59) Article 18


Bay Yan

“There are Many Russias in Russia”: the Russian Motifs in A.I. Solzhenitsyn’s Camp Poem. С. 173-181.

UDC 821.161.1-1.09«19»

The article focuses on ideological and literary aspects of creating a multifaceted image of Russia in A.I. Solzhenitsyn’s early lyrics. A.I. Solzhenitsyn’s poetic collection “Poems Written in Prison, Forced-Labor Camp, and Exile” predetermined the writer’s work. The author’s ideas about the fate of Russia characterize all poems of the collection. The lyrical hero’s thoughts reflect Russian history, life and everyday activities of Russian people, Russian nature, spiritual and moral aspects of Russian national identity. The author uses numerous poetic devices to depict the image of Russia: the author’s choice of punctuation marks, the author’s use of graphical means, his choice of original stylistic devices, motifs of suffering, compassion, and civic responsibility. The peculiarities of the Russian national identity are depicted against the background of social and political events, descriptions of nature, and the lyrical hero’s thoughts about Russia and its fate in the context of traditional literary culture. The author maintains that there is an intricate interconnection between the fates of people and the fate of the country. The article focuses on the codes of national identity reflected in the writers’ poems, which are culturally and aesthetically significant. Literary details show the unique mentality of Russian people. The comparative analysis enable the author of the article to conclude that themes, motifs and characters of Solzhenitsyn’s early poems are later developed in his subsequent works.


history of Russia, image of Russia, early poems by A.I. Solzhenitsyn, Russian nature, Russian national character.




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