2018 №3 (60) Article 4

L.N. Tokhtiyeva, S.A. Kartashov


UDC 331.5.07(Р47)

The paper investigates the evolution of private, public, and state institutions functioning as a liaison between employers and employees in pre-revolutionary Russia. It researches into the activities of the Settlement Management Committee for Employment for the Construction of the Siberian Railway in 1892–1905. It explains the role of employment agencies created at the end of 1905 in Moscow and Saint Petersburg. It shows how social institutions functioned in Moscow providing people with employment opportunities, food and shelter. It underlines the role of the first placement service established in Moscow in the beginning of 1914. It explains the mechanisms of securing placement for unemployed people. It concludes that these social institutions promoted an effective solution to economic and social problems.

placement service, unemployment, employment agency, workhouse, Settlement Management Committee, labor market.



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