2018 №3 (60) Article 6

Yu.V. Syroyegina


UDC 355.72(Р473.8)«1914/1918»

The paper treats the activities of Zemstvo and Municipal Unions of the Ryazan province aimed at providing medical services to sick and wounded people during World War I. The author focuses on the work of Ryazan affiliates of the All-Russian Union of Towns and the All-Russian Zemstvo Union, which organized and conducted evacuations, distributed the wounded among hospitals, assisted refugees, and fulfilled work assigned by the Military Department. The paper centers on the financial aspects of infirmaries and hospitals and on peculiarities of medical care during World War I. The paper analyzes the activities performed by medical institutions of the Ryazan province, assesses their achievements and analyzes unsolved problems. The paper maintains that the system of providing medical services to sick and wounded people was effective, sick and wounded people were delivered to rear provinces, the Ryazan province, for example, during the war. The paper underlines the necessity of analyzing archival materials of the State Archive of the Ryazan Region to investigate the activities of Ryazan affiliates of the Unions.

All-Russian Union of Towns, All-Russian Zemstvo Union for Aid to Sick and Wounded Soldiers, activities performed by regional affiliates of the Unions, local government, zemstvo, medicine, hospitals and infirmaries, World War I, Ryazan province.


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