2018 №3 (60) Article 10

S.A. Tobratov, O.S. Zheleznova, A.V. Vodorezov


UDC 551.481.2(473.31)

The article assesses peat accumulation (a natural process promoting a long-term extraction of toxic elements from migration flows) in natural buffer zones of Meschera lowland and anthropogenic contamination of heavy metals (HM). The article maintains that even widely spread peat soils cannot secure high heavy metal assimilation potential, which is 5–9 times lower than heavy metal accumulation in wood and bark, and 70–150 times lower than heavy metal concentrations in recirculated flows. Peat-sand substrates of Meschera promote active heavy metals involvement in biogenic migration, hence heavy metal accumulation in peat soils is rather low. Static toxic elements (Pb) demonstrate the greatest accumulation potential in peat soils, while dynamic biophiles (Zn) demonstrate the lowest accumulation potential in peat soils. The major factors of vertical HM distribution in peat soils is the accumulation in pirogenic layers, stumps (2010), early Sub-Atlantic layers, Subboreal layers, and more ancient layers, including vertical water migration. All this complicates the investigation of aerotechnogenic contamination of peat soils in Meschera. The amount of radio-cesium released into the atmosphere from peat and forest fires reaches 43 %, with radionuclides relatively stable.


peat soils, heavy metals, radio-cesium, natural radionuclide, pirogenic soils, aerotechnogenic pollution, critical loads, Meschera lowland.



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