2018 №3 (60) Article 14

I.V. Denisova


UDC 821.163.1(470.32)(093.3)

The article analyzes spatial and temporal patterns of Ryazan as described in the Chronicles of the 13th – 16th centuries. Spatial patterns are classified into closed and open ones. Closed spaces are generally defined as besieged urban areas, while open spaces are defined as fields and enemy camps. Space is also categorized into native (Russian, orthodox) and alien (Tatar, gentile), the center and the periphery. One of the leading motifs is the motif of crossing the border, which is traditionally realized in chronicles depicting battles with foreigners. This motif symbolizes the beginning of a battle and a victory achieved by one of the opposing sides. All the characteristics can be found in fragments depicting battles with the outer enemy and with the enemies within. The concept of a besieged urban space is frequent in Ryazan chronicles of the 13th – 15th centuries. The events described by Ryazan chronicles are chronologically arranged and are described in historical perspective. However, some events are described by eyewitnesses, who operate not only with dates but also with hours within which events took place. The image of Ryazan in the Chronicles is rather sacred. The tales of dissensions among rulers of different principalities are interrelated with the chronographer’s prophetic appeals for uniting efforts to fight the outer enemy wishing to enslave Rus.

Ancient Rus, Ryazan Principality, old-Russian chronographer, chronicles, poetics, providentialism, topos, spatial and temporal patterns.



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