2018 №4 (61) Article 6

M.V. Tretyakova

RELIGIOUS ISSUES IN OF THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE IN THE LATE 1550s (based on the Reports of Jacopo Soranzo, an Ambassador to King Ferdinand I in 1559–1561). P.P. 56-61.

UDC 945.07«15»

The article deals with religion-related problems experienced by the Holy Roman Empire in the late 1550s during the reign of Ferdinand I (1556–1564). The religious issues are treated from the point of view of a Venetian diplomat Jacopo Soranzo. The article focuses on the final report prepared by the Venetian diplomat. According to Jacopo Soranzo, a key political and religious problem experienced by the Roman Empire during his mission is lack of unanimity among the officials, and the Protestant Reformation resulting in a schism within the Catholic Church. According to Jacopo Soranzo, in Germanic lands, there are radical Christian trends that threaten the Imperial rule. The ambassador believes that the Protestant Reformation initiated by Martin Luther cannot be positively assessed, for it introduces an element of uncertainty and confusion and hence diminishes the Emperor’s power. Jacopo Soranzo underlines that the Reformation is not adopted in Venice. The ambassador maintains that there are complications and problems associated with the final session of the Council of Trent (1545–1563) caused by the fact that the Pope and the Emperor viewed its status differently. The author of the article believes that Jacopo Soranzo’s accounts of the religious life of the Holy Roman Empire of the late 1550s can be considered unprejudiced and unbiased.

Jacopo Soranzo; Holy Roman Empire;  16th century; Ferdinand I; final report; Reformation


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