2018 №4 (61) Article 7

T.V. Pashkova

RATIONAL AND IRRATIONAL APPLICATION OF PHARMACEUTICALS of Animal Origin Used by Karelians (at the Example of Drugs Containing Bear Products)

UDC 615.89(=945.42)

Hunting used to be the main occupation of Karelians. Game animals were used as food, for medical and other purposes. The chief aim of the present research is to define the role of bear products among Karelian folk remedies containing animal products. To achieve the aim, the author sets herself the following objectives. Firstly, to identify parts of bear used in Karelian folk medicine and their medical applications. Secondly, to investigate illnesses treated with bear remedies. Thirdly, to single out local peculiarities of applying drugs by Karelians proper, Livviki Karelians, and Lyudiki Karelians. The research concludes that Karelians apply bear parts and bear fat to treat a variety of diseases, which is proved both by already published works and by materials presented in the present research.

Beliefs; spell; folk medicine; treatment; Karelian traditions



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