2019 №1 (62) Article 11

A.A. Yamashkin, T. B. Silayeva, S. A. Yamashkin, O. A. Zarubin


 UDC 551.436(282.247.413)


The article investigates issues related to the practical implementation of the results of landscape modeling for the development and implementation of environmental protection programs at the example of the valley of the middle reaches of the Sura river. The analysis of spatial and temporal aspects of geosystems interprets the data accumulated by the Mordovia geographic information system (GIS) and synthetic maps developed using the signal processing mechanism. The main sources of information are Earth remote sensing data, databases storing the results of field research inventorying rare and threatened plant species included into the Red Lists of the Republic of Mordovia and the Ulyanovsk Region, synthetic maps of ecological balance areas between the Oka and Volga rivers. Discussing the results of the research, the article provides a description of landscape structure and an account of the distribution of rare plant species. It characterizes the forest-steppe ecotone in the valley of the Sura river, pine and mixed conifer forest structures of the ancient alluvial plains and fluvioglacial plains, floodplain hydromorphuc geosystems. Special attention is given to Lake Inerka, the largest water reservoir in the Republic of Mordovia. The article maintains that the valley of the middle reaches of the Sura river is characterized by high landscape and cenotic diversity.


geoinformation modeling; geosystem; landscape; protected areas; rare plant species; synthetic map


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