Kometchikov I. V.

Emergency Management Practices of Regional and District Officials in Western Russia (1941–1946) P. 42- 54.

UDC 94(47-15).084.8«1941/1946»

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2022.74.1.004

Abstract. Based on legislative materials, the records of the Party, the committees, NKVD (the People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs), NKGB (the People’s Commissariat for State Security) and military organizations as well as statistical data and private sources from the federal and regional archives, we analyzed the reasons, manifestations and consequences of practices of regional and local authorities in the Western part of the RSFSR (the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic) during the state of emergency in 1941–1946. We came to the conclusion that it was not only the influence of the wartime which entailed a drop in the number of qualified executives due to the mobilization, evacuation, the concentration of power in military organizations and the militarization of their work, that was an important factor in establishing the state of emergency. Besides that, it was caused by a low level of capitalization of key economic sectors in the Western RSFSR under the circumstances of manual labor being extremely widespread and conducive to its urgent mobilization. Most of those practices were abolished after the war was over. Only a few of them, such as “the authority institute”, lived on until the industrial transformation of the Soviet society came to an end in the early 1960s.

Keywords: Western RSFSR, “institution of commissioners”, capitalization, party and Soviet activists, district executive committee, district committee of the VKP(b), extraordinary power practices, bureaucracy.


  1. Bakunin V. A. Istorija sovetskogo totalitarizma : v 2 knigah [History of Soviet Totalitarianism: in 2 books]. Yekaterinburg, Bank of Cultural Information Publ., 1997, b. 2: Apogee, 224 p. (In Russian).

  2. Beznin M. A., Dimoni T. M. Agrarnyj stroj Rossii 1930–1980-h gody [Agrarian Russia. The 1930s–1980s]. Moscow, LENAND Publ., 2014, 608 p. (In Russian).

  3. Gosudarstvennyj arhiv dokumentov novejshej istorii Kaluzhskoj oblasti [State Archive of Modern History of the Kaluga Region]. F. 55, Op. 8, D. 5. (In Russian).

  4. Gosudarstvennyj arhiv novejshej istorii Smolenskoj oblasti [State Archive of Modern History of the Smolensk Region]. F. 6, Op. 1, D. 942, 1060, 1279, 1481, 1484, 1487, 1492, 1695, 1854. (In Russian).

  5. Gosudarstvennyj arhiv Orlovskoj oblasti [State Archive of the Orlov Region]. F. P-52, Op. 2, D. 268, 514, 719, 757 ; F. R-1591, Op. 8, D. 16, 27. (In Russian).

  6. Gosudarstvennyj arhiv Rossijskoj Federacii [State Archive of the Russian Federation]. F. A-259, Op. 6, D. 3920. (In Russian).

  7. Gosudarstvennyj arhiv Smolenskoj oblasti [State Archive of the Smolensk Region] F. R-2361, Op. 5, D. 6, 43, 54, 59. (In Russian).

  8. Dmitrij Mihajlovich Popov. Smolensk. Oblastnoj ezhemesjachnyj zhurnal [Smolensk. Regional Monthly Journal], 2006, no. 10 (90), pp. 32–34. (In Russian).

  9. Sorokin K. F. (comp.). Za leninskij stil’ v rabote [Lenin’s Style]. Belogurov N. K. (ed.). Kiev, Gospolitizdat of the Ukranian Soviet Socialist Republic Publ., 1960, 190 p. (In Russian).

  10. Bezborodov A. B. (ed.). Istorija Kommunisticheskoj partii Sovetskogo Sojuza [History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union]. Moscow, ROSSPJeN Publ., 2014, 671 p. (In Russian).

  11. Petrov Ju. P., Zajcev V. S., Tel’puhovskij V. S. et al. (eds.). Istorija Kommunisti-cheskoj partii Sovetskogo Sojuza: v 6 tomah [History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union: in 6 vols.]. Moscow, Politizdat Publ., 1970, vol. 5. Communist Party of the Soviet Union durng World War II, Socialist Society Development in 1938–1959. B. 1 (1938–1945), 723 p. (In Russian).

  12. Kometchikov I. V. Commissioners in Villages of the Central Non-Chernozem Region in the Mid 1940s — Early 1960s. Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. “Istorija” [Bulletin of Perm University. History]. 2014, no. 4 (27), pp. 125–139.

  13. Kometchikov I. V. “I am a Cheka agent, I will fool the Regional Committee of the Communist Party: a Misunderstanding between the First Secretary of the Regional Committee and the Head of the Regional Department of State Security (Smolensk Region. 1945–1946). Novyj isto-richeskij vestnik [New History Bulletin]. 2019, no. 2 (60), pp. 77–107. (In Russian).

  14. Losev A. V. Partijnye organizacii Central’nogo Chernozem’ja v bor’be za razvitie sel’skogo hozjajstva (1945–1964 gody) [Party Organizations of the Central Chernozem Region and their Agricultural Campaign (1945–1964). Voronezh, Voronezh State University Publ., 1965, 336 p. (In Russian).

  15. Klimenko I. E. (comp.). Ocherki istorii Smolenskoj organizacii Kommunistiche-skoj partii Sovetskogo Sojuza [Sketches on History of the Smolensk Department of the Communist Party of the
    Soviet Union]. Smolensk, Moscow Worker Publ., 1985, 320 p. (In Russian).

  16. Pisarenko I. S. Tyl Kaluzhskoj oblasti v gody Velikoj Otechestvennoj vojny [The Hinterland of the Kaluga Region during World War II]. Kaluga, Centre for Scientific and Technical Information Publ., 1998, 118 p. (In Russian).

  17. Rossijskij gosudarstvennyj arhiv social’no-politicheskoj istorii [Russian State Archive of Social and Political History]. F. 17, Op. 122, D. 17, 20, 129 ; Op. 127, D. 495. (In Russian).

  18. Rossijskij gosudarstvennyj arhiv jekonomiki [Russian State Archive of Economics]. F. 1562, Op. 1, D. 2391. (In Russian).

  19. Emel’janova N. G., Mozgunova G. N., Barkova A. V. et al. (eds.). Rukovoditeli Smolenskoj oblasti (1917–1991 gody) [Leaders of the Smolensk Region (1917–1991). Smolensk, Flimankova I. A. Publ., 2008, 208 p. (In Russian).

  20. Fedorov A. N. Funkcii i kadrovyj sostav partijnyh organov Urala v pervye po-slevoennye gody [Functions and Staff of Party Bodies of the Urals Region in the Ealry Post-war Years]. Chelyabinsk, 2006, 26 p. (In Russian).

  21. Kvashonkin A. V., Malashenko L. N. et al. (comps.). Central’nyj Komitet Vse-sojuznoj kommunisticheskoj partii bol’shevikov i regional’nye partijnye komitety. 1945–1953 [Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of the Soviet Union and Regional Party Committees. 1945–1953]. Moscow, ROSSPJeN Publ., 2004, 496 p. (In Russian).

  22. Shhegolev A. I. O leninskom stile v rabote. Lekcii, prochitannye v Vysshej partij-noj shkole pri Central’nom Komitete Vsesojuznoj kommunisticheskoj partii bol’shevikov [Lenin’s Style. Lectures Delivered in the Higher Party School under the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of the Soviet Union]. Moscow, Higher Party School and the Academy of Social Sciences Publ., 1962, 46 p. (In Russian).

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Yurkina N. N.

Student Unrest and Turmoil in Russia in the Late 19th — Early 20th Centuries. P. 33 –41.

UDC 94(47).083

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2022.74.1.003

Abstract. The article analyzes the underlying causes of student radicalization in the late 19th early 20th centuries. It investigates various approaches to the assessment of young people’s involvement in revolutionary events of the early 20th century and explores young people’s involvement in pro-test activities. Student unrest and turmoil is viewed as a part of student life in the Russian empire and, judging by their memoirs, it produced a huge impact on the worldview of many outstanding statesmen, scholars and scientists. These memoirs throw light on the issue and enable us to assess various nuances of student unrest and to understand motivations underlying events of the early 20th century.

Keywords: studenthood, students, Moscow University, public thought, revolutionary bodies, meeting, demonstration, political differentiation.


  1. Ansberg O. N. Students’ Ideas about F. M. Dostoyevsky’s Works in the 1880s. (Letters
    of O. N. Lenina, a Student, to N. K. Mikhaylovsky).
    Knizhnoe delo v Rossii vo vtoroj polovine XIX — nachale XX veka [Books in Russia in the Second Half of the 19th — Early 20th Centuries]. Leningrad, 1990, iss. 5, pp. 33–40. (In Russian).

  2. Vannovskij P. S. Doklad Vannovskogo po povodu studencheskih besporjadkov 1899 [Vannovsky’s Report on Student Unrest in 1899]. St. Petersburg, Scooter Publ., 1907, 43 p. (In Russian).

  3. Gessen S. Studencheskoe dvizhenie v nachale 60-h godov [The Student Movement in the 1860s]. Moscow, All-Union Society of Political Prisoners and State Convicts Publ., 1932, 143 p. (In Russian).

  4. Giljarovskij V. Zapiski moskvicha [Memoirs of a Muscovite]. Moscow, Federation Publ., 1931, 237 p. (In Russian).

  5. Gusjatnikov P. S. Revoljucionnoe studencheskoe dvizhenie Rossii 1899–1907 gody [The Revolutionary Student Movement in Russia in 1899–1907]. Moscow, Thought Publ., 1971, 264 p. (In Russian).

  6. Ivanov A. E. Studenchestvo Rossii konca XIX — nachala HH vekov: social’no-istoricheskaja sud’ba [Students in Russia in the Late 19th — Early 20th Centuries: Social and Historical Aspects]. Moscow, ROSSPJeN Publ., 1999, 414 p. (In Russian).

  7. Ivanov P. Studenty v Moskve. Byt. Nravy. Tipy [Students in Moscow. Life. Traditions. Types]. Moscow, 1918, 295 p. (In Russian).

  8. Ivanova I. V. The Revolutionary Student Movement in Russia and the Ministry of Public Enlightenment (1914–1917). Revoljucionnoe dvizhenie demokraticheskoj intelligencii v Rossii v period imperializma [The Revolutionary Movement of the Democratic Intelligentsia in Imperial Russia. Moscow, MGZPI Publ., 1984. (In Russian).

  9. Kandinskij V. Tochka i linija na ploskosti [A Line and a Dot on a Surface]. St. Petersburg, ABC Publ., 2003, 236 p. (In Russian).

  10. Kerenskij A. F. Rossia na istoricheskom povorote : memuary [Russia at the Turn of History: Memoirs]. Moscow, Republic Publ., 1993, 383 p. (In Russian).

  11. Kurbskij V. Ocherki studencheskoj zhizni (iz dnevnika byvshego studenta) [Sketches of Students’ Life: Memoirs of a Former Student]. Moscow, 1912, 203 p. (In Russian).

  12. Emel’janov Ju. N. (comp.). Moskovskij universitet v vospominanijah sovremennikov [Moscow University in Contemporary Memoirs]. Moscow, Contemporary Publ., 1989, 734 p. (In Russian).

  13. Pajps R. Rossia pri starom rezhime [Russia and the Old Regime]. Available at : http://lib.ru/
    HISTORY/PAJPS/oldrussia.txt (accessed 02.02.2021). (In Russian).

  14. Peshnikov V. V. V. I. Lenin i studencheskoe dvizhenie Rossii [V. I. Lenin and the Student Movement]. Moscow, Higher School Publ., 1973, 102 p. (In Russian).

  15. Koz’min B. P. (ed.). Revoljucionnoe dvizhenie 1860-h godov [The Revolutionary Movement of the 1860s]. Moscow, All-Union Society of Political Prisoners and State Convicts Publ., 1932, 259 p. (In Russian).

  16. Smirnov I. P. “Ot marksizma k idealizmu”: M. I. Tugan-Baranovskij, S. N. Bulga-kov,
    N. A. Berdjaev
    [From Marxism to Idealism: M. I. Tugan-Baranovskij, S. N. Bulgakov, N. A. Berdjaev]. Moscow, Russian Publishers Publ., 1995, 285 p. (In Russian).

  17. Tkachenko P. S. Uchashhajasja molodezh’ v revoljucionnom dvizhenii 60–70-h godov XIX veka [Students and the Revolutionary Movement of the 1860s–1870s]. Moscow, Thought Publ., 1978, 245 p. (In Russian).

  18. Tyrkova-Vil’jams A. V. Vospominanija. To, chego bol’she ne budet [Memoirs. It will Never Happen Again]. Moscow, Word Publ., 1998, 560 p. (In Russian).

  19. Jejmontova R. G. Russkie universitety na putjah reformy: shestidesjatye gody XIX veka [Russian Universities and Reforms: the 1860s]. Moscow, Science Publ., 1993, 270 p. (In Russian).

  20. Juzefovich V. M. Tridcat’ let tomu nazad. Ocherk iz studencheskoj zhizni [Thirty Yeas Ago. Sketches of Students’ Life]. Kiev, G. L. Fronckevich Publ., 1898, 76 p. (In Russian).

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Mokshin G. N.

A Fighter”: J. I. Kablitz and the Narodnik Movement in the 1870s P. 24- 32.

UDC 94(47).081«187»

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2022.74.1.002

Abstract. The article investigates the role of J. I. Kablitz (pen-name Yuzov), an outstanding theoretician of the legal narodnik movement, in the revolutionary movement of the 1870s. The article analyzes the underlying causes of J. I. Kablitz’s becoming a narodnik, the major facts of his revolutionary biography, including his professional involvement with the literary world. Special attention is given to J. I. Kablitz’s elaboration of the idea of the assassination of the tsar and J. I. Kablitz’s attitude to the events on March 1, 1881 (the eighth and fatal attempt on Alexander II’s life). The article assesses J. I. Kablitz’s contribution to the development of the theory and practice of the revolutionary narodnik movement and the influence of M. A. Bakunin’s ideas on J. I. Kablitz’s right-wing extremism narodnik ideology. The article maintains that it is impossible to make a neat chronological division between J. I. Kablitz the revolutionary and J. I. Kablitz the narodnik, for the right-wing extremism narodnik ideology was very close to the revolutionary narodnik ideology.

Keywords: revolutionary movement, intelligentsia, people, narodnik movement, revolutionary narodnik movement, extremism narodnik movement.


  1. Aksel’rod P. B. Perezhitoe i peredumannoe. Kniga 1 [Experienced and Pondered. Book 1]. Berlin, Z. I. Grzhebin Publ., 1923, 444 p. (In Russian).

  2. Aptekman O. Obshhestvo “Zemlja i volja” 70-h gg.: po lichnym vospominanijam [The Earth and Freedom Society. The 1870s: Memoirs]. Petrograd, Spike Publ., 1924, 459 p. (In Russian).

  3. Breshko-Breshkovskaja E. K. Skrytye korni russkoj revoljucii. Otrechenie velikoj revoljucionerki. 1873–1920 [The Latent Roots of the Russian Revolution. Renouncing a Great Revolutionary. 1873–1920]. Moscow, Centrpoligraf Publ., 2006, 336 p. (In Russian).

  4. Dejch L. G. Za polveka [Half a Century]. Moscow, Leningrad, Gosizdat Publ., 1926, 279 p. (In Russian).

  5. Kablic I. I. What is the Narodnik Movement? Nedelja [Week]. 1880, no. 31, pp. 981–986. (In Russian).

  6. Kablic (Juzov) Joseph Ivanovich. Dejateli revoljucionnogo dvizhenija v Rossii : biobibliograficeskij slovar [Revolutionaries: a bibliographic dictionary]. Moscow, All-Union Society of Political Prisoners and State Convicts Publ., 1930, vol. 2. The 1870s, iss. 2, columns 521–522. (In Russian).

  7. Kovalik S. F. Revoljucionnoe dvizhenie semidesjatyh godov i process 193-h pose-lencev [The Revolutionary Movement of the 1970s and the 193 Process]. Moscow, All-Union Society of Political Prisoners and State Convicts Publ., 1928, 195 p. (In Russian).

  8. Mokshin G. N. The Influence of M. A. Bakunin’s Ideas on J. I. Kablitz’s (Yuzov’s) Right-wing Extremism Narodnik Ideology. Istorija : jelektronnyj nauchno-obrazovatel’nyj zhurnal [History: an e-journal]. 2015, iss. 3 (36). Available at : http://www.history.jes.su/s207987840001011-1-1 (accessed 19.03.2021). (In Russian).

  9. Morozov N. A. Povesti moej zhizni [The Tales of my Life]. Moscow, Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union Publ., 1947, vol. 2, 555 p. (In Russian).

  10. Rukopisnyj otdel Instituta russkoj literatury [The Manuscript Department of the Institute of Russian Literature]. 377, Op. 1, D. 1670, L. 1–4. (In Russian).

  11. Slonimskij L. Kablitz (Joseph Ivanovich). Jenciklopedicheskij slovar’ [Encyclopedia]. St. Petersburg, I. A. Efron Publ., 1894, vol. 26, columns 700–791. (In Russian).

  12. Telicyn V. L. Kablitz Joseph Ivanovich. Revoljucionnaja mysl’ v Rossii XIX — nachala XX veka [Revolutionary Thought in Russia in the 19th — Early 20th Centuries]. Moscow, Political Encyclopaedia Publ., 2013, pp. 187–190. (In Russian).

  13. Tolstoj D. Instructing the Trustee of Kiev Department of Education on Measures to Counter Students’ Societies and Groups. Kievskij universitet: dokumenty i materialy. 1834–1984 [Kiev University: Proceedings. 1834–1984]. Kiev, Higher Education Publ., 1984, pp. 35. (In Russian).

  14. Troickij N. A. Krestonoscy socializma [Warriors of Socialism]. Saratov, Saratov State University Publ., 2002, 372 p. (In Russian).

  15. Figner V. N. Izbrannye proizvedenija [Selected Works]. Moscow, All-Union Society of Political Prisoners and State Convicts Publ., 1933, vol. 1, 359 p. (In Russian).

  16. Harlamov V. I. Iz istorii liberal’nogo narodnichestva v Rossii v konce 70-h — nachale 90-h godov XIX v.: obshhestvenno-politicheskie vozzrenija Kablica (Juzova) [The History of the Liberal Narodnik Movement in the Late 1870s — Early 1890s: Kablits’ (Yuzov’s) Social and Political Ideas]. Moscow, 1980, 18 p. (In Russian).

  17. Harlamov V. I. Kablitz Joseph Ivanovich. Russkie pisateli, 1800–1917 [Russian Writers, 1800–1917]. Moscow, Great Russian Encyclopedia Publ., 1992, vol. 2, pp. 429–430. (In Russian).

  18. Charushin N. O dalekom proshlom. Iz vospominanij o revoljucionnom dvizhenii 70-h godov HIH veka [About the Distant Past. Memoirs of the Revolutionary Movement of the 1870s]. Moscow, Thought Publ., 1973, 408 p. (In Russian).

  19. Chesnokov V. S. Podolibsky’s Memoirs. Sergej Andreevich Podolinskij [Sergey Andreyevich Podolinsky]. Moscow, Science Publ., 2001, pp. 129–134. (In Russian).

  20. Jasinskij, priest. Roman moej zhizni. Kniga vospominanij [A Novel of my Life. Memoirs]. Moscow, Leningrad, State Publishers Publ., 1926, 360 p. (In Russian).

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Chichenev S. A.

To the History of Spassky Zaretsky Monastery as Described in an Unpublished Document of the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts. P. 7- 31.

UDC 281.93(470.313)(09):930.272

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2022.74.1.001

Abstract. The Spassky Zaretsky Monastery which was founded no later than in the 15th century was situated on the territory of the town of Spassk in the Ryazan Region. The town of Spassk used to be a village adjoining the monastery and was named after the Monastery. As well as other wooden churches of the Middle Oka region, the monastery left little or no heritage. In the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts there are very few documents revealing the history of the monastery and only two scientific articles about the monastery have been published (both works were published before the revolution). In 2020, researchers exploring the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts found a monastery census book written in 1651, which is of scientific value. The census book authored by a famous statesman P. K. Yelizarov can be considered to be a unique information source, for it contains information about all constructions on the territory of the monastery, lists the brethren of the monastery and peasants of the adjoining villages. The book is the most detailed description of Spassk of the 17th century. The document discusses several issues associated with the history of the monastery, throws light on the historical and cultural heritage of the monastery and enables researchers to trace them in Russian museums. The present article puts the document into scientific circulation.

Keywords: archival documents, icon attribution, monastery lands, census books.


  1. Gosudarstvennyj arhiv Rjazanskoj oblasti [State Archive of the Ryazan Region]. F. 627, Op. 74, D. 225 ; F. 627, Op. 41, D. 196. (In Russian).

  2. Dobroljubov I. Istoriko-statisticheskoe opisanie cerkvej i monastyrej Rjazanskoj eparhii, nyne sushhestvujushhih i uprazdnennyh s spiskami ih nastojatelej XVII, XVIII i XIX st. i bibliograficheskimi ukazanijami [Census Records: Churches and Monasteries of the Ryazan Eparchy, Existing and Closed, with Lists of Rectors. The 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. Accompanied by Bibliographic Information]. Ryazan, vol. 4, 1891, pp. 184–191. (In Russian).

  3. Iskusstvo Rjazanskih zemel’ [The Art of the Ryazan Region]. Moscow, First Publishing House Publ., Ministry of Press of the Russian Federation Publ., 1993, 158 p. (In Russian).

  4. Kisterev S. N., Timoshina L. A. Opisi Savvina Storozhevskogo monastyrja XVII veka [Census Records of the Savvino-Storozevsky Monastery of the 17th Century]. Moscow, Archeological Centre Publ., 1994, 237 p. (In Russian).

  5. Prohodcov I. I. The Spassk Zaretsky Monastery. Trudy Rjazanskoj uchenoj arhivnoj komissii [Proceedings of Ryazan Archival Committee]. 1904, vol. 19, iss. 3, pp. 207–225. (In Russian).

  6. Rossijskaja nacional’naja biblioteka. Otdel redkih knig [Russian National Library. Rare Books]. II 4, no. 4v. (In Russian).

  7. Rossijskij gosudarstvennyj arhiv drevnih aktov [Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts]. F. 281, Op. 15, D. 9822, 9909, 9933, 9932, 9841, 9892 ; F. 1199, D. 4, 10, 78 ; F. 1209, Op. 1, Ch. 1, D. 408, D. 414 ; F. 1209, Op. 1, Ch. 2, D. 13343. (In Russian).

  8. Storozhev V. N. (ed.). Piscovye knigi Rjazanskogo kraja XVI i XVII vekov [Census Books of the Ryazan Region of the 16th and the 17th Centuries]. Ryazan, 1900, vol. I, iss. II, 417–756 p. ; 1997, 694 p. (In Russian).

  9. Sevast’janova A. A. Hroniki Meshherskoj gluhomani [Chronicles of Meshchera]. Ryazan, 2016, 105 p. (In Russian).

  10. Stroev P. M. Spiski ierarhov i nastojatelej monastyrej Rossijskija cerkvi [Census of Archpriests and Rectors of Russian Monasteries]. St. Petersburg, 1877, 580 p. (In Russian).

  11. Tihomirov D. P. Zapiski ob arheologicheskih issledovanijah v Rjazanskoj gubernii [Archaeological Research of the Ryazan Region]. Moscow, S. Selivanovsky Publ., 1844, 55 s., a. (In Russian).

  12. Tihomirov D. P. Istoricheskie svedenija ob arheologicheskih issledovanijah v Staroj Rjazani [Historical Data of Archaeological Research of Old Ryazan]. Moscow, S. Selivanovsky Publ., 1844,
    48 s., b. (In Russian).

  13. Cepkov A. I. Svod pis’mennyh istochnikov po istorii Rjazanskogo kraja XIV–XVII vekov [Written Sources on the History of the Ryazan Region of the 14th–17th Centuries]. Ryazan, Alexandria Publ., 2005, vol. 4, pp. 187–205. (In Russian).

  14. Shumakov S. A. History of the Ryazan Region. Article 1, part 2. Trudy Rjazanskoj uchenoj arhivnoj komissii [Proceedings of Ryazan Archival Committee]. 1897, vol. 12, iss. 2, pp. 317–327. (In Russian).

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Prazdnikov A. G.

Prazdnikov A. G.

The Castles in the Wars of the Roses Review of Dan Spencer’s Book “The Castle in the Wars of the Roses”  (Pen & Sword Military, 2020, 264 р.) Р. 133-137.

UDC 94(410)(048)

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2021.73.4.015

Abstract. The article presents a review of Dan Spencer’s book dedicated to the investigation
of an underinvestigated aspect of the War of Roses which took place in the second half of the 15th century in England, namely to castles under siege and to the development of the art of fortification.


Keywords: War of Roses, the Lancasters, the Yorks, late Middle Ages, castles.



  1. Prazdnikov A. G. Social Composition of the Participants of the Battle of Northampton (July 10, 1460) and the Seizure of the Tower of London. Vestnik Kemerovskogo universiteta [Bulletin of Kemerovo University]. 2017, no. 1, pp. 64–68. (In Russian).
  2. Agincourt600. Available at : http://www.agincourt600.com/agincourt-soldiers/ (accessed: 10.02.2021).
  3. Goodman A. The Wars of the Roses: Military activity and English society (1452–1497), London, Rounledge Publ., 1981, 395 p.
  4. McFarlane K. B. The Wars of the Roses. England in the Fifteenth Century. Harriss G. (ed.). London, 1981, pp. 231–268.
  5. Spencer D. The Castle at War in Medieval England and Wales. Amberley Publishing Publ., 2018, 336 p.
  6. Spencer D. Royal and Urban Gunpowder Weapons in Late Medieval England. Boydell
    & Brewer Publ., 2019, 282 p.
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Yuzhakova Yu. A.

Yuzhakova Yu. A.

Russian Grammar: System — Language Usage — Language Variation,the Fifth International Symposium P. 130 -132.

UDC 811.161.1’36(063)

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2021.73.4.014

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Gornov V. A.

Gornov V. A.

“Exploring Russian America”: to New Discoveries P. 123 – 129.

UDC 910(063)

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2021.73.4.013

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Vorobyov A. Yu.

Vorobyov A. Yu.

The Development of Geology-based Knowledge of the Relief and Landscape of the Middle Oka Valley (the 1950s–1970s) P. 110 – 123

UDC 551.4(282.247.412.3)(09)«195/197»

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2021.73.4.012

Abstract. The article deals with physical and geographical research conducted in the territory of the Middle Oka River in the 1950s–1970s (predominantly in the Ryazan region and adjacent regions).  The article treats major results of important geomorphological, geographical, and geological studies published in the last three decades and serving as a foundation for the development of more specific physical and geographical issues. The article substantiates major factors responsible for the activation of geological reconnaissance in the second half of the 20th century in the Meshchera lowland. The article uncovers the causes of scientific interest in geobotanical and hydrological surveys. It highlights the major aspects of physical and geographical research which promoted the exploration of the Oka valley.

Keywords: terrain, the Oka, landscape, river valley, geomorphological zoning, geological reconnaissance, soil.


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Lavrentyeva N. V.

Lavrentyeva N. V.

Intertext in Max Frei’s Novel “Beware” P. 103- 109.

UDC 821.161.1-31.09«19»

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2021.73.4.011

Abstract. Max Frei’s novels intrigue and fascinate both philologists and linguists. However, there remain numerous unanswered questions. The object of the research is to investigate Max Frei’s novel “Beware”, which is viewed in the contest of Max Frei’s other works describing the world of Eho. The article focuses on the analysis of intertextuality. Max Frei employs a lot of reminiscences and allusions. The writer provides a lot of quotations related to the images of Mephistopheles and Faust from J. W. Goethe’s “Faust” to compare the characters of modern and classical literature. Due to the use of numerous reminiscences and allusions, Max Frei’s works acquire some similarities with the works of Agatha Christie, however Max Frei intentionally underlines that the characters of her novels has little in common with the Queen of Mystery and Crime. The concept of the train is endowed with a number of intertextual associations and reminds one of a classical image of the train typical of Russian literature.


Keywords: Max Frei, “Beware”, intertext, allusions, quotations, invariant images.




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Valova O. M.

Valova O. M.

  1. Ch. Swinburne’s Personality and Works as Assessed by O. Wilde P. 94-102.

UDC 821.111-1.09«18»

DOI: 10.37724/RSU.2021.73.4.010

Abstract. In Russia, the issue of O. Wilde’s aesthetic philosophy and the way it impacted the writers’ literary works remains underinvestigated. The aim of the article is to search for leading motifs of O. Wilde’s works in the works of A. Ch. Swinburne and to identify the role A. Ch. Swinburne played in the formation of O. Wilde’s worldview. The notion of fin de siècle is associated with instability, foreboding, premonition, degeneration in the late 19th — early 20th centuries. O. Wilde viewed the end of the century as an opportunity to experiment with literary and artistic forms and functions. O. Wilde got acquainted with A. Ch. Swinburne’s works when he studied in Dublin. O. Wilde believed that A. Ch. Swinburne’s works revealed new aspects of the reality. O. Wilde did not agree with critics who denounced Swinburne’s works and his innovative approach to the form and content of a literary work. In his letter, which is considered to be significant for the understanding of O. Wilde’s literary work, the writer mentions his philosophy of the unreal which served as a basis for his aesthetic philosophy and which was written after a conversation about A. Ch. Swinburne. O. Wilde admired the poet’s musicality and the versatility of his themes, the concoction of Christian and pagan motifs in his works, the moral turpitude of his literary self. A. Ch. Swinburne’s and O. Wilde’s worldviews have many similarities, such as their philosophy of stoicism and their perception of the image of femme fatale. A. Ch. Swinburne’s works played an important role in the formation O. Wilde’s worldview. A. Ch. Swinburne’s influence can be seen in the way O. Wilde dealt with his philosophy of the unreal in his literary works of different genres. The article can be used in English literature classes and in courses dedicated to the culture of the late 19th century.


Keywords: English poetry of the 19th century, decadence, Swinburne, Wilde, philosophy of the unreal, fin de siècle.


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