Valova O. M.

Valova O. M.

  1. Ch. Swinburne’s Personality and Works as Assessed by O. Wilde P. 94-102.

UDC 821.111-1.09«18»

DOI: 10.37724/RSU.2021.73.4.010

Abstract. In Russia, the issue of O. Wilde’s aesthetic philosophy and the way it impacted the writers’ literary works remains underinvestigated. The aim of the article is to search for leading motifs of O. Wilde’s works in the works of A. Ch. Swinburne and to identify the role A. Ch. Swinburne played in the formation of O. Wilde’s worldview. The notion of fin de siècle is associated with instability, foreboding, premonition, degeneration in the late 19th — early 20th centuries. O. Wilde viewed the end of the century as an opportunity to experiment with literary and artistic forms and functions. O. Wilde got acquainted with A. Ch. Swinburne’s works when he studied in Dublin. O. Wilde believed that A. Ch. Swinburne’s works revealed new aspects of the reality. O. Wilde did not agree with critics who denounced Swinburne’s works and his innovative approach to the form and content of a literary work. In his letter, which is considered to be significant for the understanding of O. Wilde’s literary work, the writer mentions his philosophy of the unreal which served as a basis for his aesthetic philosophy and which was written after a conversation about A. Ch. Swinburne. O. Wilde admired the poet’s musicality and the versatility of his themes, the concoction of Christian and pagan motifs in his works, the moral turpitude of his literary self. A. Ch. Swinburne’s and O. Wilde’s worldviews have many similarities, such as their philosophy of stoicism and their perception of the image of femme fatale. A. Ch. Swinburne’s works played an important role in the formation O. Wilde’s worldview. A. Ch. Swinburne’s influence can be seen in the way O. Wilde dealt with his philosophy of the unreal in his literary works of different genres. The article can be used in English literature classes and in courses dedicated to the culture of the late 19th century.


Keywords: English poetry of the 19th century, decadence, Swinburne, Wilde, philosophy of the unreal, fin de siècle.


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