Gamaley S. Yu.

The Origins of the Kamchatka Drama Theatre, its Art and Craft (1933–1945) Р. 72-78.

UDC 792(571.66)«1933/1945»

The article treats the evolution of the Kamchatka Drama Theatre situated in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. The author minutely investigates the origins of the Kamchatka Drama Theatre company and traces its theatrical performances through 1933–1945, focusing on the evolution of the theatre company and the challenges associated with its early years and largely caused by the lack of their own premises and a constant rotation of actors. The author discusses the repertoire presented by the Kamchatka Drama Theatre and their touring activities during the aforementioned period, including the years of World War II, when the theatre company patronized the Red Army and actively collected for military needs. The research shows that the Kamchatka Drama Theatre underwent a successful development during the aforementioned period. Due to material support of the authorities, the theatre company got their own premises and could stage various plays by Russian and foreign playwrights which were heartily welcomed by spectators.

history of the Kamchatka theatre; Main Repertoire Committee; actors of the Kamchatka Drama Theatre; repertoire of the Kamchatka Drama Theatre; theatre company


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