Makutchev A. V.

On the Designs of Russia”, a Book by Colonel G. De Lacy Evans (1787–1870) P.76- 85.

UDC 327(410:47)«18»

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2022.74.1.007

Abstract. The article discusses some aspects of Anglo-Russian relations in the second quarter of the 19th century, namely, the discussions held in Britain regarding further relations with Russia in the context of the Russo-Turkish war that began in 1828. Russiaʼs activities in the Balkans and the prospect of the collapse of the Ottoman Empire made British society heatedly argue what position Britain should take in this situation. Some were convinced that immediate intervention in the Balkan events was necessary to counteract Russia, which allegedly threatened the existing balance of power in Europe. The main arguments in favor of this position were summarized by G. De Lacy Evans in his book “On the Designs of Russia”, one of the most significant Russo-phobic works in Britain. Evans systematized the main “fears” of the British in relation to Russia and presented his own scenario of a possible conflict with Russia. Others believed that the threat from Russia was exaggerated, and Britain should continue its policy of non-interference in order to promote its commercial and geopolitical interests. Arguments in favor of this position can be found in a pamphlet published in response to Evansʼ book. Authored by a person who claimed himself to be a non-alarmist, the said pamphlet was an anthem of those who believed that a conflict with Russia could not be beneficial and could get Britain involved in a major war. Further Anglo-Russian relations were largely predetermined by these opposing views

Keywords: the Big Game, De Lacy Evans, balance of power, diplomacy, Russophobia, Russo-Turkish war.


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