Mitrofanov V. V.

A Bright representative of the St. Petersburg Historical School. A review of V. A. Solomonov and N. N. Zaytseva’s book “Pavel Grigoryevich Lyubomirov: the Vicissitudes of a Historian’s Life”   (Moscow, New Chronographer Publ., 2019, 240 p.) P. 138-145.

UDC 94(470+571)-051(048)

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2020.69.4.014


  1. A. Solomonov and N. N. Zaytseva’s book is published in commemoration of the 110th anniversary of Saratov University and concentrates on an outstanding professor of Saratov University Pavel Grigoryevich Lyubomirov, a great teacher, researcher and local historian. Being a student of a prominent Russian historian S. F. Platonov, P. G. Lyubomirov followed in his teacher’s footsteps and investigated the history of Nizhny Novgorod home guard.

The scholar’s life and work are surrounded with some misconceptions and the reviewed research aims at eliminating them.

The authors of the reviewed research analyzed archival documents and an extensive epistolary corpus and used achievements of modern historiography to fully accomplish their goal. The reviewed book provides a chronological description of the scholar’s life and work, characterizes three different periods of his scientific career, underlines the scholar’s zeal for creative research even during the difficult years of persecution and illness.

The authors manage to eliminate a number of misconceptions and erroneous opinions expressed by their predecessors.


  1. A. Solomonov; the Moscow period; N. N. Zaytseva, P. G. Lyubomirov; St. Petersburg History School; St. Petersburg University; Tomsk University




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