Mitrofanov V. V.

“I deeply appreciate your kind attitude towards me” letters from Ilya Gurlyand to S. F. Platonov (1900–1915) P. 7 -27/

UDC  94(47).083«1900/1915»

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2023.80.3.001

Abstract. This is the first publication of letters from Ilya Ya. Gurlyand addressed to S. F. Platonov. They contain rich material on historiography, judgments on a number of historical works, assessments of scientists, scholarly and educational events, and information on the chronology of Gurlyand’s original works. The study is based on chronological, retrospective and systematic methods of analysis.


Keywords: I. Ya. Gurlyand, S. F. Platonov, letters, archival materials, scientific cooperation, local history activities.



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