2019 №1 (62) Article 6

А. A. Panchenko


UDC 378.937(471.341-21)(09)«195»

The era of the Khrushchev Thaw is traditionally characterized by liberalization of domestic policies of the Soviet Union and a greater openness to the outer world compared to Stalinʼs reign. The initiation of international collaboration in the sphere of research enabled Soviet scholars and scientists to openly participate in academic activities and research. The article presents the results of a research aimed at the investigation of international communication of professors and students of Gorky Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages with their foreign colleagues during the period of the Khrushchev Thaw. The analysis of archival data and the Linguist newspaper issued by the Institute enables the author of the article to trace major trends in international communication and describe some crucial events and participants of international research. On one hand, these events secured further integration of Russian schools into international academic environment. On the other hand, they ensured a greater intensity of the Iron Curtain lifting.

higher linguistic education; Iron Curtain; international education; international communication; Khrushchev Thaw; Soviet Union


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