Krivtsov V. A., Vodorezov A. V., Nikiforova E. M.

Tourism and Recreational Appeal of the Landscape of the Para-Pronsk Geomorphological District P. 170- 185.

UDC 911.9:551.432.8(282.247.412.3)

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2022.74.1.014

Abstract. The article investigates the landscape of the Para-Pronsk district (the Oka-Voronezh geomorphological region) and its recreational appeal and recreational potential. The article characterizes the landscape of the region (focusing on both natural environment and artificial, or man-made structures) and assesses its recreational potential. The article describes two most prominent natural landmarks with high recreational potential, namely the Mesozoic deposits near the village of Nikitino and the Quaternary deposits near the village of Fatyanovka. Another landscape with recreational potential is Old Ryazan situated in the Old Ryazan Plateau. The town of New Olgov, the Kiritsy estate (the village of Kiritsy) and the Church of the Resurrection in the village of Isady also have a high recreational potential. The article maintains that Old Ryazan together with adjacent objects of cultural and natural heritage can become the nucleus or central component of the recreational system of the Ryazan Region

Keywords: Para-Pronsk interfluve, Old Ryazan Plateau, Old Ryazan, New Olgov, Mesozoic deposits near the village of Nikitino, Quaternary deposits near the village of Fatyanovka, Kiritsy estate, Church of the Resurrection in the village of Isady, recreational system.


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  2. Krivcov V. A., Vodorezov A. V. Osobennosti stroenija i formirovanija relʼefa na territorii Rjazanskoj oblasti [The Structure and Formation of Landscapes of the Ryazan Region]. Ryazan, Ryazan State Pedagogical University Publ., 2006, 279 p. (In Russian).

  3. Krivcov V. A., Vodorezov A. V., Vorobʼev A. Ju., Tobratov S. A. Osobennosti i re-zulʼtaty projavlenija jekzogennyh relʼefoobrazujushhih processov v doline r. Oki v ee srednem techenii v golocene [Peculiarities and Results of Exogenous Relief-Formation Processes in the Oka River Valey during the Holocene]. Krivcov V. A. (ed.). Ryazan, Ryazan State University named for S. Yesenin Publ., 2020, 174 p. (In Russian).

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  5. Krivcov V. A., Vodorezov A. V., Nikiforova E. M. Assessing Tourism and Recreational Attractiveness of Landscapes of the Meshchera Lowland. Vestnik Rjazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni S. A. Esenina [Bulletin of Ryazan State University named S. Yesenin]. 2020, no. 3 (68), pp. 130–141. (In Russian).

  6. Krivcov V. A., Vodorezov A. V., Nikiforova E. M. Tourism and Recreational Potential of the Pronya River Valley in the Central Russian Upland. Vestnik Rjazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni S. A. Esenina [Bulletin of Ryazan State University named S. Yesenin]. 2021, no. 2 (71), pp. 140–159. (In Russian).

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Tobratov S. A., Zheleznova O. S., Vodorezov A. V.

Natural Cyclicity of Explosive Volcanism P. 138 – 169.

UDC 551.213.3

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2022.74.1.013

Abstract. The article treats the causes, factors and patterns of volcanic activity (eruptions rated at least 5 on the Volcanic Explosivity Index, excluding alkaline volcanoes). The article underlines that volcanic eruptions occurring every 1,650 years or 60–70 years (the Petterson-Shnitnikov pattern) are triggered off by the influence of the celestial bodies of the Solar system (Moon, Sun, Venus, Jupiter). It is highlighted that most powerful eruptions occur when volcanic cycle is over and another is about to begin. This information may have prognostic significance. The connection between volcanic eruptions and climate variability is investigated on the basis of N. S. Sidorenkov’s theoretical research, which underlines the leading role of the law of conservation of angular momentum. The slowdown in the Earth’s axial rotation is an indicator synchronized with major eruptive events. The authors emphasize that the connection between volcanic eruptions and climate variability cannot be explained in the simple cause and effect terms, but are of genetic character. The authors underline that most powerful volcanic eruptions coincide with cold and humid climatic conditions, while arid conditions are associated with minimal eruptive activity. The transgression of the Caspian Sea can serve as a hydro-climatic indicator of increasing hazardous effects of powerful volcanic eruptions. The article investigates the peculiarities of the Odintsovo interglacial period and the mid-Viking Age (900–950 AD), which, contrary to general laws, were characterized by excessive volcanism. The article investigates peat relicts to analyze the connection between volcanic eruptions and climate variability in the Atlantic period (Holocene eruptive maximum), as well as to analyze the interconnection between global volcanism and paleolandscapes on the Russian Plain. The article underlines that there are two humid subphases of the Holocene climatic optimum: 6.5-6.3 and 6.2-6.0 thousand years ago. Relying on the discovered patterns, the authors assume that volcanic activity will gradually weaken during the next 600 years. However, it can be predicted that volcanic activity will increase during cold phases (70 years) accompanied by a sharp decrease in the mass of polar glaciers (the nearest phase of activation is 2035–2045).

Keywords: bradyseisms, volcanism, the Petterson — Shnitnikov pattern, cyclicity of natural processes, the Caspian Sea level, 70-year cycle, VEI.


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Milenko V. D.

The Unknown Pages of B. K. Pronin’s Mansard in Moscow P. 127-137.

UDC 7.036(470-25)«19»

DOI: 10.37724/RSU.2022.74.1.012

Abstract. The article investigates the phenomenon of literary and artistic cafes of the Silver Age, which proposed new forms of communication between the author and the recipient and played an important role in the westernization of the literary process. The article focuses on B. K. Pronin (1875–1946), the founder of the Stray Dog and the Comedians’ Halt, artistic cabarets in St. Petersburg. B. K. Pronin’s literary-club activities are investigated in the works of A. E. Parnis and R. D. Timenchik, S. S. Schultz junior and V. A. Sklyarsky, L. I. Tikhvinskaya and others. The Wandering Enthusiast and the Mansard, clubs founded by B. K. Pronin in Moscow, are underinvestigated. The author focuses on the history of the Mansard club at 32 Bolshaya Molchanovka, which was B. K. Pronin’s last undertaking. The analysis of scarce documentary sources and memoirs dedicated to the artistic cabaret enables the author to argue that the artistic cabaret hosted poetry nights and were frequented by M. A. Bulgakov, S. A. Yesenin, B. M. Zubakin, V. V. Kamensky, V. G. Lidin and others, while the Stray Dog was frequented by “servants of the muses” and “pharmacists”. The aim of the article is to analyze previously uninvestigated memoirs about the Mansard written by E. L. Galperina, wife of a famous Satirikon illustrator A.A. Radakov (1877–1942). The latter’s name is associated with the Stray Dog and the Comedians’ Halt as well. The newly discovered data are interesting both for those who investigate life in the bohemian society of St. Petersburg in Russia’s Silver Age and life in the bohemian society of Moscow in the 1920s. The article commemorates the 110th anniversary of the Stray Dog.

Keywords: Alexey Radakov, Boris Pronin, the Stray Dog, New Satyricon, the Mansard, the Comedians’ Halt, manuscript, Satуricon, the Silver Age, the Wandering Enthusiast.


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  12. Timenchik R. D., Parnis A. E. The Stray Dog. Pamjatniki kulʼtury: novye otkrytija [Monuments of Culture: New Discoveries]. Leningrad, 1985, pp. 160–257. (In Russian).

  13. Timenchik R. D. Chto vdrug: statʼi o russkoj literature proshlogo veka [What Happened: Articls about Russian Literature of the Previous Century]. Jerusalem, Moscow, Bridges of Culture Publ., 2008, 684 p. Available at : (accessed 30.10.2020). (In Russian).

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  15. Ustinov A. B. Mstislav Dobuzhinsky and Russian Cabaret Culture: Boris Pronin’s Enterprises. Letnjaja shkola po russkoj literature [Summer Courses in Russian Literature]. 2020, vol. 16, no. 3–4, pp. 331–383. (In Russian).

  16. Fomin D. V. The Ups and Downs of the Jackdaw Journal. Bibliotekovedenie [Library Science]. 2012, no. 4, pp. 59–67. (In Russian).

  17. Cheremnyh N. A. Foreword. Radakov A. Karikatury. Izdanie “Krokodila” [A. Radakovʼs Caricatures. The Crocodile Magazine]. Moscow, Truth Publ., 1968, pp. 1–2. (In Russian).

  18. Chudakova M. O. Zhizneopisanie Mihaila Bulgakova [Michael Bulgakovʼs Biography]. Moscow, Book Publ., 1988, 492 p. Available at : (accessed 30.10.2020). (In Russian).

  19. Shulʼc-ml. S. S., Skljarskij V. A. Brodjachaja sobaka: vek nyneshnij — vek minuvshij [The Stray Dog: the Present Century and the Past Century]. St. Petersburg, White and Black Publ., 2003, 206 p. (In Russian).

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Fedoseeva T. V., Ushakova D. O.

J. P. Polonsky’s Bibliographical Essays P.116- 126

UDC 821.161.1-312.6.09«18»

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2022.74.1.011

Abstract. The article investigates genre peculiarities of little-investigated essays by J. P. Polonsky. The novelty of the research consists in the fact that the paper presents a systematic analysis of a number of bibliographic essays: “Sayat Nova”, “Ivan Ivanovich Sokolov”, “Mey’s Book of Po-ems”, “Vladimir Grigryevich Benediktov”, “‘A. M. Zhemchuzhnikov’s Poems’: Analyzing J. P. Polonsky’s Poems”,“L A. a Person and a Writer (Literary Memoirs)”. The analysis of texts published in different years enables the researchers to investigate typical features of J. P. Polonsky’s biographical essays. Biographical essays are a syncretic genre romanticising human individuality through biographical and mental descriptions. The syncretic nature of the genre consists in the unity of fictional and realistic details. A systematic analysis of J. P. Polonsky’s works is aimed at investigating their stylistic and structural peculiarities, the author’s choice of devices and strategies. J. P. Polonsky’s bibliographic essays are analytical. J. P. Polonsky’s early essays abound in his ideas and convictions. The analysis of J. P. Polonsky’s bibliographic essays about L. A. Mey, V. G. Benediktov, and A. M. Zhemchuzhnikov shows J. P. Polonsky’s views on a poet’s inner world. J. P. Polonsky’s bibliographic essays analyze both the author’s personality and the nature of their work. J. P. Polonsky analyzes historical, cultural, artistic and aesthetic aspects of works, analyzes the concept of a creative person.

Keywords: author’s strategy, documentary, essay, poet, creative person, essence of art, poetic gift, J. P. Polonsky.


  1. Arhangel’skij A. N. Strange Harmony (Poet V. G. Benediktov). Benediktov V. G. Stihotvorenija [Benediktov V. G. Poems]. Moscow, Children’s Literature Publ., 1990, pp. 5–20. (In Russian).

  2. Berezan’ M. P. The Evolution of the Genre of Biography. Istoricheskaja pojetika zhanra [Historical Poetics of the Genre]. Amur State University named for Sholem Aleichem Publ., 2013, iss. 5, pp. 27–32. (In Russian).

  3. Gerbel’ N. V. Russkie pojety v biografijah i obrazcah [Russian Poets in Biographies and Images]. St. Petersburg, M. M. Stasjulevich Publ., 1880, 710 p. (In Russian).

  4. Gredzheva E. V. The Spiritual Experience of Oriental Peoples in J. P. Polonsky’s Poetry of the 1840s–1850s. Ja. P. Polonskij: voprosy tvorcheskoj biografii [J. P. Polonsky: Issues of a Creative Person’s Biography]. Ryazan, Ryazan State University named S. A. Yesenin Publ., 2019, pp. 194–220. (In Russian).

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  6. Zhemchuzhnikov A. M. Stihotvorenija A. M. Zhemchuzhnikova [A. M. Zhemchuzhnikov’s Poems]. St. Petersburg, M. M. Stasjulevich Publ., 1892, vol. 1–2, 254 p. (In Russian).

  7. Kazanceva G. V. To the Issue of Nature Description as a Genre. Vestnik fakul’teta upravlenija i prava Kolomenskogo instituta (filiala) Moskovskij gosudarstvennyj mashinostroitel’nyj universitet [Bulletin of the Faculty of Management and Law at Kolomensk Institute (Affiliate) at Moscow State Engineering University]. 2015, no. 10, pp. 148–158. (In Russian).

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  10. Polonskij Ja. P. Sayat-Nova. Kavkaz [Caucasus]. 1851, no. 1, Jan. 5, pp. 2–3 ; no. 2, Jan. 9, pp. 5–8. (In Russian).

  11. Polonskij Ja. P. Mey’s Poems. Russkoe slovo [Russian Word]. 1859, no. 1, pp. 66–81. (In Russian).

  12. Polonskij Ja. P. Vladimir Grigoryevich Benediktov. Benediktov V. G. Stihotvorenija V. Benediktova [Benediktov V. G. Poems. V. Benediktov]. Polonskij Ja. P. ed. St. Petersburg, Moscow, M. O. Vol’f Publ., 1883, vol. 1, pp. 1–43. (In Russian).

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  14. Polonskij Ja. P. L. A. Mey as a Person and a Writer (Literary Memoirs). Russkij vestnik [Russian Bulletin]. 1896, no. 9, pp. 105–113. (In Russian).

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  16. Rossijskij gosudarstvennyj arhiv literatury i iskusstva [Russian State Archive of Literature and Art]. F. 403, Op. 1, D. 8, L. 2. (In Russian).

  17. Rukopisnyj otdel Rossijskoj nacional’noj biblioteki [The Manuscript Department of the Russian National Library]. F. 1000, Op. 1, no. 1977, 10 l. (In Russian).

  18. Ushakova D. O. The Poet J. P. Polonsky’s Dialogue with an Artist I. I. Sokolov. Fenomen tvorcheskoj lichnosti v kul’ture: Fatjushhenkovskie chteni, vypusk 8 : Materialy VIII Mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj konferencii [The Phenomenon of Creative Personality in Culture: Fatyushchenovsky Readings, issue 8: Proceedings of the 8th International Research Conference]. Moscow, Science Publ., 2019, pp. 475–484. (In Russian).

  19. Filin M. D. About P. V. Annenkov’s Books . Annenkov P. V. Materialy dlja biografii Aleksandra Sergeevicha Pushkina [P. V. Annenkov’s Materials of Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin]. Moscow, Terra-Book Publ., 2007, рр. 430–461. (In Russian).

  20. Jepshtejn M. N. Paradoksy novizny. O literaturnom razvitii XIX–XX vekov [The Paradox of Novelty. About Literary Development in the 19th–20th Centuries]. Moscow, Soviet Writer Publ., 1988, 416 p. (In Russian).

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Tangayeva N. I.

Sentimental Traditions in M. N. Makarov’s “Letters of a Russian Traveler” (1805 and 1824) P. 104- 115.

UDC 821.161.1-31.09«18»

DOI: 10.37724/RSU.2022.74.1.010

Abstract. The article analyzes littleknown journal publications of the early 19th century, namely M. N. Makarov’s “Several Letters of a Russian Traveler from England to Russia” (1805) and “August Adolf Friederike Desalvert” (1824), through the prism of continuity of traditions of sentimentalism characteristic of N. M. Karamzin’s prosaic works. Being underinvestigated and honoring N. M. Karamzin’s narrative legacy, M. N. Makarov’s novellas are research-worthy. A comparative analysis of these texts, whose authorship has been attributed to M. N. Makarov by V. E. Vatsuro, enables us to trace parallel story lines in M. N. Makarov’s novellas and in N. M. Karamzin’s “Poor Lisa” and “Bornholm Island”. M. N. Makarov’s “Several Letters of a Russian Traveler from England to Russia” and “August Adolf Friederike Desalvert” reek of sentimentalism and are characterized by genre-imposed confines (autobiographical essay, travel essay, diary entries), cliché motifs (chance meeting, falling in love, the threat of separation, joint walks, hostile nature, illness, sleep, seduction, etc.), the use of chivalric and sentimental imagery. The research shows that N. M. Karamzin’s sentimental legacy played a major role in shaping literary traditions of the centuries to come.

Keywords: M. N. Makarov, N. M. Karamzin, sentimentalism, literary diary, literary journey, chivalric epic, “Bornholm Island”.


  1. Karamzin N. M. Bronholm Island. Izbrannye sochinenija : v 2 tomah [Selected Works: in 2 vols.]. Moscow, Leningrad, Belles Lettres Publ., 1964, vol. 1, pp. 661–673. (In Russian).

  2. Vacuro V. Je. N. M. Karamzin. Bronholm Island and Sierra Morena. Goticheskij roman v Rossii [Gothic Novel in Russia]. Moscow, New Literary Observer Publ., 2002, pp. 78–104. (In Russian).

  3. Glebov D. P. Makarov. Vestnik Evropy [Bulletin of Europe]. 1821, part 119, no. 13, pp. 9–11. (In Russian).

  4. Golikova V. V. Adventure Novels in the First Half of the 19th Century. Slovo. Slovesnost’. Slovesnik : materialy mezhregional’noj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii [Word. Literature. Philologist: Proceedings of an Interregional Research Conference]. Reshetova A. A., Fedoseeva T. V. (eds.). Ryazan, Ryazan State University named for S. Yesenin Publ., 2016, pp. 141–144. (In Russian).

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  8. Fedoseeva T. V. (ed.). Literatura russkogo predromantizma: mirovozzrenie, jestetika, pojetika [Literature of Russian Pre-Romanticism: Worldview, Aesthetics, Poetics]. Ryazan, Ryazan State University named for S. Yesenin Publ., 2012, 492 p. (In Russian).

  9. Makarov M. N. August Adolf Friederike Desalvert. Damskij zhurnal [Female Journal]. 1824, no. 3, pp. 91–108 ; no. 4, pp. 131–151. (In Russian).

  10. Several Letters of a Russian Traveler from England to Russia. Moskovskij kur’er [Moscow Messenger]. 1805, part 1, no. 4, pp. 49–52. (In Russian).

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  12. Russian Journal of the First Quarter of the 19th Century. The Contents (Vols. 1–3). By Makarov M. N. Rossijskaja nacional’naja biblioteka [Russian National Library]. Available at: http:// (accessed 19.10.2021). (In Russian).

  13. Ryngach T. B. M. N. Karamzin: Reception and Transformation. Vestnik Rjazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universitet imeni S. A. Esenina [Bulletin of Ryazan State University named for S. Yesenin]. 2017, no. 3 (56), pp. 76–87. (In Russian).

  14. Sadovskaja E. Ju. The Genesis of Artistic Essays of the 18th–19th Centuries (Problems, Poetics, Typology). Vestnik Voronezhskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta: Serija “Filologija. Zhurnalistika” [Bulletin of Voronezh State University: Philology. Journalism series]. 2012, no. 1, pp. 231–238. (In Russian).

  15. Tangaeva N. I. Karamzin Tradition in M. N. Makarov’s Journal of Walkers from Moscow to Rostov and Back. Karamzinskij sbornik. Nikolaj Karamzin i ego sovremenniki : sbornik materialov Vserossijkoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii [Karamzin Journal. Nikolay Karamzin and his Contemporaries: Proceedings of an All-Russian Research Conference]. Daranov O. N. (ed.). Ulyanovsk, 2020, pp. 87–94. (In Russian).

  16. Chudakova O. M. Diary. Kratkaja literaturnaja jenciklopedija [Concise Literary Encyclopaedia]. Available at : (accessed 20.10.2021). (In Russian).

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Minkova K. V.

To the Issue of Relying on Political and Economic Theories when Investigating the Causes of the Cold War P. 95 – 103

UDC 330:94(100)«1945/1991»

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2022.74.1.009

Abstract. Although the Cold War is constantly played up in modern international relations, a comprehensive and objective analysis of its origins has not been carried out yet. The author proposes to analyze the initial period of the Cold War (and hence the Soviet-American relations of middle and the second half of the 1940s) through the prism of political and economic theories of Knut Wicksell and James Buchanan, taking into account the crisis of the balance of payments. The article also uncovers other important issues in the relations between Moscow and Washington in 1945–1947. The author presumes that the actions of both parties to the conflict can be considered through the lens of their economic interests, which in 1944 — the first half of 1945 coincided with political interests, and afterwards either gave way to them (USA), or were perceived as something completely different, not connected with politics (USSR).

Keywords: James Buchanan, Knut Wicksell, Soviet-American relations, USSR, USA, Cold War, economic interests.


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  9. Kadyrova L. A. Fenomen zarozhdenija “holodnoj vojny” v otechestvennoj i amerikanskoj istoriografii [The Phenomenon of the Cold War Origin in Russian and American Historiography]. Moscow, 2012, 23 p. (In Russian).

  10. Minkova K. V. Credits in Relations of the USSR and the USA. 1944–1947. SShA — Ka-nada: jekonomika, politika, kul’tura [The USA — Canada: Economics, Politics, Culture]. 2020, vol. 50, no. 6, pp. 75–91. (In Russian).

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  18. Zolotarev V. A. and Putilin B. G. (eds.). Holodnaja vojna [The Cold War]. Moscow, INJeS Publ., RUBY Publ., 2014, vol. 1, 979 p. ; vol. 2, 578 p. (In Russian).

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  28. Moodyʼs Manual of Investments, American and Foreign: Banks, Insurance Companies, Investment Trusts, Real Estate, Finance and Credit Companies. New York, Moodyʼs Investors Service Publ., 1944, 566 p.

  29. Output of the Main Industrial Products in the Soviet Union as a Share of Production in the United States and Germany in 1940. Available at : (accessed 17.09.2021).

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  32. Wallerstein I. The Decline of American Power: The US in a Chaotic World. New York, New Press Publ., 2012, 324 p.

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Kryzhko L. A.

The Formation of the US Attitude to a Military Operation against Egypt on the Eve of the 1956 Suez Crisis. P.86- 94.

UDC 327(73:620)«1956»

DOI: 10.37724/RSU.2022.74.1.008

Abstract. The article investigates the formation of the US attitude to a military operation against Egypt on the eve of the Anglo-French-Israeli military operation against Egypt. Now when the world is commemorating the 65th anniversary of the Suez crisis, the issue of the United States working out strategic foreign policy decisions in the context of the growing conflict in the Middle East remains highly relevant. The author highlights the main reasons for the US refusal to support Britain and France in the military action against Egypt. The article underlines a number of negative consequences the United States brought about by joint actions of the USA, Great Britain and France in Egypt. Egyptian-Israeli rapprochement, the provision of a loan for the construction of the Aswan Dam, and the inclusion of Egypt in the military-political bloc initiated by the Western countries were associated with an attempt to rob Egypt of its political and economic independence. These developments resulted in anti-Western sentiments in Egypt’s domestic and foreign policy during the Nasser period, the main consequences being the Czechoslovak arms deal and the nationalization of the Suez Canal. The bold actions of the Egyptian leader as a precedent for the entire Arab world demanded a tough reaction from Western countries. The author highlights the main arguments of the US administration in favor of abandoning the military scenario. The author says that the USA and Western Europe had different views on whether or not to involve Israel, which is accounted for by the growing influence of the Egyptian president in the Arab world. The USA abstained from cooperating with NATO in what might threaten the strategic interests of the country in the region and hinder its long-term agenda in the Middle East.

Keywords: Suez crisis, Egypt, USA, Great Britain, France, Israel, USSR, Middle East, international relations.


  1. Kryzhko E. V. The 1956 Suez Crisis: the positions of the parties. Dni nauki Krymskogo federal’nogo universiteta imeni V. I. Vernadskogo : sbornik II nauchnoj konferencii [Science Days of the Crimea Federal University named for V. I. Vernadsky: proceedings of the 2nd research conference]. Simferopol, 2016, pp. 317–319. (In Russian).

  2. Kryzhko L. A. Egypt-Israeli Relations in the First Half of the 1950s: the Susanna Operation. Istoricheskie, filosofskie, politicheskie i juridicheskie nauki, kul’turologija i iskusstvovedenie. Voprosy teorii i praktiki [Historical, Philosophical, Political and Legal Sciences, Cultorology and Art Studies]. 2016, no. 2 (64), pp. 80–83. (In Russian).

  3. Medvedko L. I. K Vostoku i zapadu ot Sujeca (Zakat kolonializma i manevry neoko-lonializma na Arabskom Vostoke) [To the East and West of Suez (the Decline of Colonialism and Neo-colonialism in Eastern Arabia)]. Moscow, Politizdat Science Publ., 1980, 368 p. (In Russian).

  4. Naser G. A. Speech at a Public Meeting in Alexandria, July 26, 1956. Problemy egipetskoj revoljucii: izbrannye rechi i vystuplenija. 1952–1970 gody [Problems of the Egyptian Revolution: Selected Speeches. 1952–1970]. Moscow, International Relations Publ., 1979, pp. 28–32. (In Russian).

  5. Primakov E. M. Konfidencial’no: Blizhnij Vostok na scene i za kulisami (vtoraja polovina XX — nachalo XXI vekov) [Classified: the Middle East on the Stage and behind the Scenes (the Second Half of the 20th — Early 21st Centuries)]. Moscow, Russian Newspaper Publ., 2006, 384 p. (In Russian).

  6. Sultanov A. F. (ed.). Sujeckij kanal (fakty i dokumenty) [The Suez Canal (Facts and Documents)]. Moscow, Foreign Literature Publ., 1959, 246 p. (Transl. from Arabic).

  7. Jurchenko V. P. Egipet: problemy nacional’noj bezopasnosti (1952–2002 gody) [Egypt: National Security (1952–2002)]. Moscow, Institute for Investigating Israel and the Middle East Publ., 2003, 312 p. (In Russian).

  8. Foreign Relations of the United States, 1955–1957, Suez Crisis, July 26 — Dec. 31, 1956. Vol. XVI. Doc. 2, 4, 5, 8, 11, 14, 18, 50, 53. Available at : (accessed 14.07.2021).

  9. Historical Statistics of the United States, Colonial Times to 1970. Washington, U. S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census Publ., 1975, p. 1, 609 p.

  10. Johnson P. The Suez War. MacGibbon & Kee Publ., 1957, 145 p.

  11. Kissinger H. Diplomacy. New York, Simon & Schuster Publ., 1994, 912 p.

  12. Lloyd S. Suez 1956: A Personal Account. London, Jonathan Cape Ltd Publ., 1978, 282 p.

  13. Sachar H. M. Egypt and Israel. New York, Richard Marek Publishers Publ., 1981, 384 p.

  14. The Suez Canal Problem. July 26 — Sept. 22, 1956. A Documentary Publication. Washington, 1956, 370 p.

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Makutchev A. V.

On the Designs of Russia”, a Book by Colonel G. De Lacy Evans (1787–1870) P.76- 85.

UDC 327(410:47)«18»

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2022.74.1.007

Abstract. The article discusses some aspects of Anglo-Russian relations in the second quarter of the 19th century, namely, the discussions held in Britain regarding further relations with Russia in the context of the Russo-Turkish war that began in 1828. Russiaʼs activities in the Balkans and the prospect of the collapse of the Ottoman Empire made British society heatedly argue what position Britain should take in this situation. Some were convinced that immediate intervention in the Balkan events was necessary to counteract Russia, which allegedly threatened the existing balance of power in Europe. The main arguments in favor of this position were summarized by G. De Lacy Evans in his book “On the Designs of Russia”, one of the most significant Russo-phobic works in Britain. Evans systematized the main “fears” of the British in relation to Russia and presented his own scenario of a possible conflict with Russia. Others believed that the threat from Russia was exaggerated, and Britain should continue its policy of non-interference in order to promote its commercial and geopolitical interests. Arguments in favor of this position can be found in a pamphlet published in response to Evansʼ book. Authored by a person who claimed himself to be a non-alarmist, the said pamphlet was an anthem of those who believed that a conflict with Russia could not be beneficial and could get Britain involved in a major war. Further Anglo-Russian relations were largely predetermined by these opposing views

Keywords: the Big Game, De Lacy Evans, balance of power, diplomacy, Russophobia, Russo-Turkish war.


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  3. Erofeev H. A. Tumannyj Al’bion: Anglija i anglichane glazami russkih: 1825–1853 [Allbion: England and Englishmen as Viewed by Russian People: 1825–1853]. Moscow, Sicence Publ. 1982, 320 p. (In Russian).

  4. Zhidkova O. V. Russo-Turkish War in 1828–1829 and Russian Diplomacy in Russian and France. Vestnik Rossijskogo universiteta druzhby narodov. Serija “Istorija Rossii” [Bulletin of People’s Friendship University of Russia. Russian History series]. 2006, no. 3, pp. 74–78, Available at : https:// (accessed 09.05.2021). (In Russian).

  5. Zhidkova O. V., Popova E. A. Russian and French Diplomatic Relations and the Greco-Turkish Conflict in the 1820s. Vestnik Brjanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta [Bulletin of Bryansk State University]. 2020, no. 1 (43), pp. 44–51. DOI: 10.22281/2413-9912-2020-04-01-44-51. (In Russian).

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  7. Karacuba I. V. Rossia poslednej treti XVIII — nachala XIX v. v vosprijatii anglijskih sovremennikov [Russia in the Last Third of the 18th — Early 19th Centuries as Perceived by English Contemporaries]. Moscow, 1986, 24 p. (In Russian).

  8. Krasnik P. I. English Parliament and Polish Uprising in 1830–1831. Retrospektiva: Vsemirnaja istorija glazami molodyh issledovatelej [Retrospect. World History as Viewed by Young Researchers]. 2012, no. 7, pp. 12–23, Available at : (accessed 09.05.2021). (In Russian).

  9. Ljahov V. A. Russkaja armija i flot v vojne s Ottomanskoj Turciej v 1828–1829 godah [Russian Army and Navy in Russo-Turkish War in 1828–1829]. Yaroslavl, Upper-Volga Publ., 1972, 304 p. (In Russian).

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  14. A Few Words on our Relations with Russia Including Some Remarks on a Recent Publication by Colonel De Lacy Evans, Entitled “On Designs of Russia” by A Non-alarmist. London, Baldwin and Cradock Publ., 1828, 58 p.

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  16. Anderson M. S. Britainʼs Discovery of Russia: 1553–1815. London, Macmillan Publ., 1958, 245 p.

  17. De Lacy Evans G. On the Designs of Russia. London, John Murray Publ., 1828, 252 p.

  18. De Lacy Evans G. On the Practicability of an Invasion of British India, and on the Commercial and Financial Prospects and Resources of The Empire. London, Cornhill Publ., 1829, 228 p.

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  22. Fischer D. R. (ed.). The History of Parliament: The House of Commons 1820–1832. Cambridge, 2009, vol. 1, pp. 349–360.

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Ovchinnikov V. M.

The Formation and Development of the French Colonial Artillery in the Second Half of the 17th — First Half of the 18th Centuries P. 68- 75.

UDC 94(44-52).033

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2022.74.1.006

Abstract. The paper treats some important aspects of the development and transformation of the French colonial artillery during the reigns of Louis XIV and Louis XV. European countries are known for adapting their homeland military and political practices to the environment of their overseas colonies and territories. The French colonies clearly demonstrate the implementation of this principle against the background of the growing Anglo-French contradictions that repeatedly turned into full-scale conflicts. The author focuses on the implementation of the designated mechanism in the context of the field artillery revolution and the fortification revolution in Europe, in attempts to implement the principles of Vauban’s pre-carré territorial system. Attention is also paid to the issue of increasing the role of artillery in local campaigns on the Anglo-French frontier.

Keywords: fortification, artillery, supply, technological innovations, masters of artillery.


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  6. Naulet F. LʼArtillerie en France (1665–1765). Naissance dʼune arme. Paris, Économica Publ., 2002, 364 p. (In French).

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  9. Peter J., Les Artilleurs de la Marine sous Louis XIV. Paris, Économica Publ., 1995, 212 p. (In French).

  10. Peyser J. L On the Eve of Conquest: The Chevalier de Raymondʼs Critique of New France in 1754. Michigan State University Press Publ., 1997, 181p(In French).

  11. Verrand L. Fortifications militaires de la Martinique. Journal of Carribean Archaelogy, 2004, no. 1, pp. 11–28. (In French).

  12. Les grands traites du repgne de Louis XIV, H. Vast (ed.). Paris, 1899, vol. III, 221 p. (In French).

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Agapov G. A.

The Castilian Civil War and Anglo-French Conflicts in the 1360s P. 55 – 67.

UDC 94(460).023+327(410:44)«13»

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2022.74.1.005

Abstract. The investigation of various aspects of the history of Medieval states on the Iberian Peninsula (both during the early and late Middle Ages, the 14th century in particular) has become a high priority subject in recent decades. Modern researchers focus on previously underinvestigated issues,on reassessing historiographic data. This is particularly characteristic of foreign researchers (especially Spanish-speaking and English-speaking ones). Russian historiographers are also no longer as committed to the investigation of social and economic issues and agrarian history as their Soviet colleagues used to be. Modern Russian researchers are involved in novel investigations, one of which if the investigation of the foreign affairs of the Kingdom of Castile. A similar tendency can be seen in the investigation of one of the largest military and political conflicts of the era the Hundred Years’ War. The range of traditionally investigated issues has expanded significantly. A specific research field has emerged at the intersection of Spanish studies and the Hundred Years’ War studies. The aim of the article is to investigate the role and significance of the Castilian Civil War, a key episode of Spanish history during the Hundred Years’ War. The subject of the research is the relationships between the kingdoms of England and France on the one side and the major parties in the War for the Castilian Succession — Peter the Cruel and Henry of Trastámara — on the other.

Keywords: Hundred Years’ war, House of Trastámara, Pedro I the Cruel, Enrique de Trastámara, the battle of Nájera, Black Prince, Bertrand du Guesclin.


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21. Mortimer I. The Perfect King: the Life of Edward III, Father of English Nation. London, Jonathan Cape Publ., 2006, 336 p.

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24. Ormrod W. M. Edward III.Yale, University press Publ., 2012, 335 p.

25. Sumption J. The Hundred Years War. Trial by Fire. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania press Publ., 1999, 672 p.

26. Toraño P. G. El Rey Don Pedro el Cruel y su mundo. Madrid, Marcial Pons Publ., 1996, 562 p. (In Spanish).

27. Valdeón Baruque J. Pedro I el Cruel y Enrique de Trastámara. Madrid, Santillana ediciones generales Publ., 2002, 320 p. (In Spanish).

28. Vernier R. The Flower of Chivalry: Bertrand Du Guesclin and the Hundred Years War. Woodbridge, Boydell press Publ., 2003, 237 p.

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30. Villalon L. J. Spanish Involvement in the Hundred Years War and the Battle of Nájera. Hundred Years War: a Wider Focus. Kagay D. J. and Villalon L. J. (eds.). Leiden, Brill Publ., 2005, pp. 3–74.

31. Villalon L. J. “Cut off their heads or I’ll cut yours”: Castilian Strategy and Tactics in the War of Two Pedros and the Supporting Evidence from Murcia. The Hundred Years War: Different Vistas. Leiden, Brill Publ., 2008, 650 p.

32. Villalon L. J., Kagay D. J. To Win and Lose a Medieval Battle. Leiden, Brill Publ., 2017, 650 p.

33. Walsingham T. Historia Anglicana. London, Longman Publ., Green Publ., Longman Publ., Roberts and Green Publ., 1863, vol. 1, 597 p.

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