2015-№1(46) Article 13

M.V. Kazakova, A.E. Buchkova, V.E. Zudov, A.O. Nikitin, A.A. Petrutsky, V.G. Tchaytsev

On the stability of alien woody plants in the conditions of the Ryazan region. P. 138-149.

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UDC 581.52 (471.313)


The paper pulls together several years of research into the introduction of various species of woody plants in several areas of the Ryazan Region. The paper summarizes woody plant introduction experiments conducted on the basis of the biostation of Ryazan State University named for S.A. Yessenin and performed by V.E. Zudov (the village of Barinovo, Rybnoye district), A.O. Nikitin (the village of Derevyagino, Tchuchkovo district), A.A. Petrutsky (the village of Staraya Ryazan, Spassk district), V.G. Tchaytsev (the village of Nizhnaya Ishchered, Korablino district). The paper deals with the characteristics of 75 species of the first group of introduction potential, 39 species of the second group of introduction potential, 37 species of the third group of introduction potential, 19 species of the forth group of introduction potential, 8 species of the fifth group of introduction potential, 16 species alien to the environment. The paper singles out plants that have the greatest introduction potential. The paper enumerates the limitations of introducing coniferous trees, deciduous trees and bushes exposed to local biotic and abiotic factors.

Introduction of woody plants, introduction potential, winter resistance, Ryazan Region, arboretum, biostation of Ryazan State University named for S.A.Yessenin



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