2019 №1 (62) Article 4

Sh. Kabirova, I. I. Khanipova


UDC 947.084.6(471.41)«193/194»

The article treats a mechanism of economic recovery and growth adopted by the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic to secure labor mobilization in the 1930s–1940s. The article characterizes the mobilization potential of the republic. It analyzes the ways of labor management and investigates the forms of labor mobilization. The authors maintain that in the 1930s–1940s, one of the main sources of labor force in the Tatar Republic was rural areas. The article underlines that in the 1930s the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was actively engaged in labor mobilization. Working peasants were extensively involved in the territorial development and industrial construction typical of the first five-year periods. The beginning of World War II, when many men were enlisted in the military, resulted in overall shortage of labor and brought about changes in the state labor-related policies. The Soviet government issued laws to regulate peopleʼs work engagement and peopleʼs immersion in social production. The voluntary-compulsory character of these administrative measures enabled the republic to replenish the labor force. In post-war years the republic continued to employ the mobilization strategy to solve problems in the sphere of labor policy.

resettlement policy; social mobilization; Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; labor mobilization; labor service; labor policy


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