Reshetova A. A.

For the Scholar’s anniversary P. 199 –207.

UDC 821.161.1.09(092)(048)

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2024.82.1.020


Abstract. This review is dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Reshetov, doctor of philology, professor, honorary worker of Russian Higher Education, a member of the Russian Association of Teachers of English Literature, who worked at the Ryazan State University named for S. A. Yesenin for over 20 years. This review defines the scholarly and pedagogical career of this remarkable person, a distinguished scholar and authority in the field of English literature and criticism. He stood at the origins of the Russian Association of specialists in English philology, as an experienced lecturer and mentor who educated a number of talented students.


Keywords: V. Reshetov, Russian Association of Teachers of English Literature, history of English literature, English literary criticism.




  1. Valova O. M., Reshetov V. G. Theoretical foundations of Oscar Wilde’s “philosophy of the unreal” and paradox as a means of its implementation. Inostrannyye yazyki v vysshey shkole[Foreign languages in tertiary education]. 2018, iss. 4 (47), pp. 67–77. (In Russian).
  2. Reshetov V. G. Francis Bacon’s literary theory. Filologicheskiye nauki[Philological Studies]. 1986, iss. 6. (In Russian).
  3. Reshetov V. G. Dzhon Drayden i stanovleniye angliyskoy literaturnoy kritiki [John Dryden and the formation of English literary criticism]. Irkutsk, Irkutsk University Publ., 1989, 245, [2] p. (In Russian).
  4. Reshetov V. G. Renaissance and Decadence: points of intersection. Kultura i mysl. Vostok i Zapad: tez. dokl. uchastnikov mezhdunar. nauch. konf. [Culture and Thought. East and West: report abstracts of participants of the international research conference]. Ed. by V. G. Tikhonov, L. D. Kashurnikova. Nizhny Novgorod, 1995a, 336 p. (In Russian).
  5. Reshetov V. G. F. Bacon’s ethical paradox and the Decadence. Angliyskaya literatura v kontekste filosofsko-esteticheskoy mysli: materialy V mezhdunar. konf.[English literature in the context of philosophical and aesthetic thought: materials of the V international conference]. Perm, 1995b, 107 p. (In Russian).
  6. Reshetov V. G. Renaissance and Decadence: W. Shakespeare and F. Bacon in the perception of F. Nietzsche and O. Wilde. Filologicheskiye nauki[Philological Sciences]. 1997a, iss. 3, pp. 41–47. (In Russian).
  7. Reshetov V. G. Pan-European trends in Russian literary criticism of the era of classicism. Vzaimosvyazi i vzaimovliyaniya russkoy i yevropeyskoy literatur [Relationships and mutual influence of Russian and European literature]. St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg University Publ., 1997b, 162 p. (In Russian).
  8. Reshetov V. G. Anarchist. Tvorchestvo V. Godvina 1783–1793 gg. [Works of W. Godwin 1783–1793]. Magnitogorsk, Magnitogorsk State Pedagogical Institute Publ., 1999, 152 p. (In Russian).
  9. Reshetov V. G. Regarding the three 100th death anniversaries: Vladimir Solovyov, F. Nietzsche, O. Wilde (three interpretations of the works of W. Shakespeare and F. Bacon). Nauchnyy vestnik Kirovskogo filiala MGEI [Scientific Bulletin of the Kirov Branch of the Moscow State Power Institute]. 2000a, iss. 4, 154 p. (In Russian).
  10. Reshetov V. G. Francis Bacon and English literary criticism of the 17th XVII vek v dialoge epokh i kultur: VI Lafontenovskiye chteniya[17th century in the dialogue of eras and cultures: the VI La Fontaine Readings]. St. Petersburg, 2000b, 136 p. (In Russian).
  11. Reshetov V. G. The function of the word “soul” in O. Wilde’s novel “The Picture of Dorian Gray”. Analiz literaturnogo proizvedeniya: sb. nauch. tr. [Analysis of a literary work: collection of research articles]. Kirov, 2000c, vol. 2. (In Russian).
  12. Reshetov V. G. Was John Dryden a Classicist? Barokko i klassitsizm v istorii mirovoy kultury: materialy mezhdunar. nauch. konf.[Baroque and classicism in the history of world culture: materials of the international research conference]. St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg filosofskoye obshchestvo Publ., 2001a, vol. 17, ser. “Symposium”, p. 94. (In Russian).
  13. Reshetov V. G. Oscar Wilde’s literary criticism. Analiz literaturnogo proizvedeniya: sb. nauch. tr.[Analysis of a literary work: collection of research papers]. Kirov, 2001b, vol. 3. (In Russian).
  14. Reshetov V. G. Why Ben Jonson was dissatisfied with contemporary dramatic works. Modeli uspekha: razvlekatelnost, populyarnost, massovost kak yavleniya kultury: sb. materialov XI yezhegodn. mezhdunar. konf. [Models of success: entertainment, popularity, mass character as cultural phenomena: collection of materials of the XI annual international conference]. Tambov, Derzhavin Tambov State University Publ., 2001c, 260 p. (In Russian).
  15. Reshetov V. G. Interpretations of the image of Hamlet by F. Nietzsche, O. Wilde and V. Solovyov. Vsemirnaya literatura v kontekste kultury: XIII Purishev Readings [World literature in the context of culture: XIII Purishev Readings]. Moscow, 2001. (In Russian).
  16. Reshetov V. G. John Dryden. The origins of comparative studies. Problema natsionalnykh identichnostey v literaturakh Starogo i Novogo sveta: sb. tr. mezhdunar. konf. [Issue of national identities in literatures of the Old and New Worlds: collection of articles from an international conference]. Minsk, European Humanities University Publ., 2002, 155 p. (In Russian).
  17. Reshetov V. G. The fall of Shadwell in Dryden’s poem “Mac Flecknoe”. Problemy tvorcheskogo osvoyeniya deystvitelnosti v literature Velikobritanii: materialy XIII mezhdunar. konf. [Problems of creative comprehension of reality in literature of Great Britain: materials of the XIII International conference]. Moscow, A. M. Gorky Lit. Institute Publ., 2003, p. 106. (In Russian).
  18. Reshetov V. G. Angliyskaya literaturnaya kritika XVII–XIX vekov: sb. nauch. tr.[English literary criticism of the 17th–19th centuries: collection of research works]. Kirov, SPbIVESEP (branch) Publ., 2004a, 166 p. (In Russian).
  19. Reshetov V. G. First experiments in English literary comparative studies. Komparativistika: sovremennaya teoriya i praktika[Comparative studies: modern theory and practice]. Samara, SGPU Publ., 2004b, vol. 2. (In Russian).
  20. Reshetov V. G. English literary criticism: the process of its formation. Angliyskaya literatura v kontekste mirovogo literaturnogo protsessa: tez. dokl. mezhdunar. nauch. konf. i XV syezda anglistov [English literature in the context of the world literary process: abstract of reports from the international scientific conference and the XV Congress of Anglists]. Ryazan, RGPU Publ., 2005. (In Russian).
  21. Reshetov V. G. The Shakespearean and anti-Shakespearean elements in Dryden’s tragedy “All for Love”. Literatura Velikobritanii i romanskiy mir [Literature of Great Britain and the Latinian World]. Veliky Novgorod, 2006. (In Russian).
  22. Reshetov V. G. Antony and Cleopatra in English plays of the 16th–17th Literatura Velikobritanii v kontekste mirovogo literaturnogo protsessa. Vechnyye obrazy: materialy XVII yezhegodn. mezhdunar. nauch. konf. [Literature of Great Britain in the context of the world literary process. Eternal images: materials of the XVII annual international research conference]. Ed. by T. M. Krivina [et al.]. Oryol, Veshniye vody Publ., 2007, 132 p. (In Russian).
  23. Reshetov V. G. Dzhon Drayden i yego sovremenniki: sb. nauch. tr.[John Dryden and his contemporaries: collection of research articles]. Kirov, SPbIVESEP (branch) , VyatGGU Publ., 2008, 233 p. (In Russian).
  24. Reshetov V. G. The strange stanza in S. A. Yesenin’s poem “The Black Man”. Vestnik Ryazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni S. A. Yesenin [Bulletin of the Ryazan State University named for S. A. Yesenin]. 2010, iss. 4, pp. 76–85. (In Russian).
  25. Reshetov V. G. The images of a severed head in Goethe’s “Faust” and H. Heine’s “Atta Troll”. Obraz Fausta v kontekste mirovoy khudozhestvennoy literatury: XXIII Purishevskiye chteniya [The image of Faust in the context of world fiction: XXIII Purishev Readings]. Moscow, 2013, pp. 52–53. (In Russian).
  26. Reshetov V. G. “All the elements of the past” in Heinrich Heine’s poem “Atta Troll”. Vestnik Ryazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni S. A. Yesenina [Bulletin of the Ryazan State University named for S. A. Yesenin]. 2014, iss. 1 (42), pp. 123–140. (In Russian).
  27. Reshetov V. G. Interpretations of the legend about the death of John the Baptist in artistic creativity (from the origins to the 21st century). Zarubezhnaya literatura XXI veka: problemy i tendentsii: XXVII Purishevskiye chteniya [Foreign literature of the 21st century: problems and trends: XXVII Purishev Readings]. Ed. by M. A. Dremov. Moscow, LLC “Sam Polygraphist” Publ., 2015a, pp. 103–104. (In Russian).
  28. Reshetov V. G. “Herodias” by Gustave Flaubert: its concept. Vestnik Vyatskogo gosudarstvennogo gumanitarnogo universiteta[Bulletin of the Vyatka State University for the Humanities]. 2015b, iss. 10, pp. 92–97. (In Russian).
  29. Reshetov V. G. In memory of R. A. Friedman (on the 110th anniversary of his birth). Vestnik Ryazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni S. A. Yesenina[Bulletin of the Ryazan State University named for S. A. Yesenin]. 2015, iss. 3 (48), pp. 63–71. (In Russian).
  30. Reshetov V. G. “Herodias” by Gustave Flaubert: the embodiment of the author’s plan. Vestnik Ryazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni S. A. Yesenina[Bulletin of the Ryazan State University named for S. A. Yesenin]. 2016a, iss. 4, pp. 98–106. (In Russian).
  31. Reshetov V. G. Shakespeare as assessed by Ben Jonson. Inostrannyye yazyki v shkole [Foreign languages at school]. 2016b. vol. 2 (37), pp. 17–20. (In Russian).
  32. Reshetov V. G. Relationships between Russian and foreign literatures. Istoriya i teoriya russkoy literatury: ucheb. posobiye [History and theory of Russian literature: guide book]. Ed. by A. A. Reshetova, T. V. Fedoseeva. Ryazan, 2017, pp. 193–212. (In Russian).
  33. Reshetov V. G., Valova O. M. Psychoanalysts and the “soul” of Oscar Wilde. Vestnik Vyatskogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta. Zarubezhnaya literatura [Bulletin of the Vyatka Pedagogical University. Foreign literature]. 1997, vol. 2, pp. 4–14. (In Russian).
  34. Reshetov V. G., Valova O. M. “Schastlivyy prints” i drugiye skazki ob Oskare Uaylde [“The Happy Prince” and other tales about Oscar Wilde]. Kirov, Moscow humanities and economics institute (branch) Publ., 2000, 158 p. (In Russian).
  35. Reshetov V. G., Valova O. M. Oscar Wilde “Salome”: music of passion. Vestnik Ryazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni S. A. Yesenina [Bulletin of Ryazan State University named for S. A. Yesenin]. 2012, iss. 4, pp. 97–108. (In Russian).
  36. Reshetov V. G., Ostrovsky I. V. John Dryden’s tragedy “All for Love”. Dzhon Drayden i yego sovremenniki: sb. nauch. tr.[John Dryden and his contemporaries: collection of research articles]. Kirov, SPbIVESEP (branch) Publ., VyatGGU Publ., 2008, pp. 3–77. (In Russian).
  37. Reshetov V. G., Charushin A. N. The genre of satire in the works of John Dryden. Mirovaya kultura XVII–XVIII vekov kak metatekst: diskursy, zhanry, stili: VIII Lafontenovskiye chteniya: materialy mezhdunar. nauch. simp. [World culture of the 17th–18th centuries as a metatext: discourses, genres, styles: La Fontaine VIII readings: materials of the international research symposium]. St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg filosofskoye obshchestvo Publ., 2002, iss. 26, ser. “Symposium”, pp. 124–127. (In Russian).
  38. Reshetov V. G., Charushin A. N. John Dryden’s mock-heroic poem “Mac Flecknoe”: the historical and literary context and poetics. Angliyskaya literaturnaya kritika XVII–XIX vekov: sb. nauch. tr. [English literary criticism of the 17th–19th centuries: collection of research works]. Kirov, SPbIVESEP (branch) Publ., 2004, pp. 3–43. (In Russian).
  39. Reshetov V. G., Charushin A. N. John Dryden’s satirical heroic poem “Absalom and Achitophel”: politics and poetry. Dzhon Drayden i yego sovremennik: sb. nauch. tr. [John Dryden and his contemporaries: collection of research works]. Kirov, SPbIVESEP (branch) Publ., VyatGGU Publ., 2008, pp. 78–123. (In Russian).