2010-№2(27) Article 2

N.N. Elistratova

Electronic textbooks as a means of and a necessary prerequisite for multimedia education in higher educational institutions. p.15-22

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UDC 378.416


The article treats the problem of using electronic textbooks in multimedia education network at universities and colleges. The paper analyzes the types of e-textbooks, their structure and content, their pedagogical influence upon students, their advantages and disadvantages.


electronic textbook, information, Internet, multimedia, education.



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2 Elistratova, N.N. Osnovy formirovanija informacionnoj kul’tury kursantov vysshih voennyh tehnicheskih uchebnyh zavedenij sredstvami mul’timedia [Fundamentals of information culture of students of higher military technical schools multimedia]. RVAI. – Ryazan, 2007. – 101 p.

3. Osnovnye podhody k sozdaniju jelektronnyh uchebnikov dlja distancionnogo obuchenija [The main approaches to the creation of e-books for e-learning]. –Available at: http://www.courses.urc.ac.ru.

