Krivtsov V. A., Vodorezov A. V., Nikiforova E. M.

Tourism and Recreational Appeal of the Landscape of the Para-Pronsk Geomorphological District P. 170- 185.

UDC 911.9:551.432.8(282.247.412.3)

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2022.74.1.014

Abstract. The article investigates the landscape of the Para-Pronsk district (the Oka-Voronezh geomorphological region) and its recreational appeal and recreational potential. The article characterizes the landscape of the region (focusing on both natural environment and artificial, or man-made structures) and assesses its recreational potential. The article describes two most prominent natural landmarks with high recreational potential, namely the Mesozoic deposits near the village of Nikitino and the Quaternary deposits near the village of Fatyanovka. Another landscape with recreational potential is Old Ryazan situated in the Old Ryazan Plateau. The town of New Olgov, the Kiritsy estate (the village of Kiritsy) and the Church of the Resurrection in the village of Isady also have a high recreational potential. The article maintains that Old Ryazan together with adjacent objects of cultural and natural heritage can become the nucleus or central component of the recreational system of the Ryazan Region

Keywords: Para-Pronsk interfluve, Old Ryazan Plateau, Old Ryazan, New Olgov, Mesozoic deposits near the village of Nikitino, Quaternary deposits near the village of Fatyanovka, Kiritsy estate, Church of the Resurrection in the village of Isady, recreational system.


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