Milenko V. D.

The Unknown Pages of B. K. Pronin’s Mansard in Moscow P. 127-137.

UDC 7.036(470-25)«19»

DOI: 10.37724/RSU.2022.74.1.012

Abstract. The article investigates the phenomenon of literary and artistic cafes of the Silver Age, which proposed new forms of communication between the author and the recipient and played an important role in the westernization of the literary process. The article focuses on B. K. Pronin (1875–1946), the founder of the Stray Dog and the Comedians’ Halt, artistic cabarets in St. Petersburg. B. K. Pronin’s literary-club activities are investigated in the works of A. E. Parnis and R. D. Timenchik, S. S. Schultz junior and V. A. Sklyarsky, L. I. Tikhvinskaya and others. The Wandering Enthusiast and the Mansard, clubs founded by B. K. Pronin in Moscow, are underinvestigated. The author focuses on the history of the Mansard club at 32 Bolshaya Molchanovka, which was B. K. Pronin’s last undertaking. The analysis of scarce documentary sources and memoirs dedicated to the artistic cabaret enables the author to argue that the artistic cabaret hosted poetry nights and were frequented by M. A. Bulgakov, S. A. Yesenin, B. M. Zubakin, V. V. Kamensky, V. G. Lidin and others, while the Stray Dog was frequented by “servants of the muses” and “pharmacists”. The aim of the article is to analyze previously uninvestigated memoirs about the Mansard written by E. L. Galperina, wife of a famous Satirikon illustrator A.A. Radakov (1877–1942). The latter’s name is associated with the Stray Dog and the Comedians’ Halt as well. The newly discovered data are interesting both for those who investigate life in the bohemian society of St. Petersburg in Russia’s Silver Age and life in the bohemian society of Moscow in the 1920s. The article commemorates the 110th anniversary of the Stray Dog.

Keywords: Alexey Radakov, Boris Pronin, the Stray Dog, New Satyricon, the Mansard, the Comedians’ Halt, manuscript, Satуricon, the Silver Age, the Wandering Enthusiast.


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