2011-№2(31) Article 9

A.V. Podgorskiy

English memoirists of the 17th century: B. Whitelocke. р.84-92

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UDC 820-94


The article centers on the genre and artistic originality of «The Memoirs» by B.Whitelocke – an outstanding politician of three «epochs» of English history: Revolution, Republic and Restoration.


diary, memoirs, political life, Restoration, artistic originality.



1. Evelin, J. The Diary of John Evelin. Now first printed in full from the manuscripts belonging to Mr. John Evelin and edited by E.S. de Beer: In 6 vol. – Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1955.

2. Pepys, S. The Diary of Samuel Pepys. A new and complete transcription: In 11 vol. / Ed. by R. Latham, W. Matthews. – L.: Bell & Hyman, 1971–1983.

3. Whitelocke, B. Memorials of the English Affairs from the beginning of the Reign of Charles the first to the Happy Restoration of the King Charles the second by Bulstrode Whitelocke. A new edition, in four volumes. – Oxford: University Press, 1853.

4. Whitelocke, R.H. Memoirs Biographical and Historical of Bulstroude Whitelocke, Lord Commissioner of the Great Seal, and Ambassador at the court of Sweden. – L., 1860.

5. Barg, M.A. Velikaja anglijskaja revoljucija v portretah ee dejatelej. [The great English revolution in the portraits of its leaders.]. – Moscow: Mysl’, 1991.

6. Grigor’ev, A. Vospominanija [Memories]. – L.: Nauka, 1980.

7. Grin, J.R. Istorija Anglii i anglijskogo naroda [ History of England and the English people]:J.R. Grin. – Moscow.; Zhukovskij: Kuchkovo pole, 2005.
