2012-№2(35) Article 5

I.R. Chikalova

Вelarusian «trace» in the research on England in the imperial Russia. р. 37–56

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UDC 94(410)


The article is bringing back to the intellectual Russian space that part of the Russian Empire British Studies’ heritage that is bounded with the names of the emigrants from the Belarusian provinces. Due to their efforts as the translators (M. Vronchenko, Z. Vengerova, N. Minsky, V. Spasovich), the authors of the published lecturing courses (M.Petrov), scientific works (I.Granat, M. Ostrogorsky, V.Spasovich), articles (Z. Vengerova, S. Vengerov, L. Shepelevich), popular (V. Ignatovich), social and political journalist works (S. Rapoport), as well as publishers (I. Granat) and editors (S. Vengerov) the political, social, economic life, culture and literature of England had becoming closer and more comprehensive to the Russian reader.


England, Belarus, British Studies, the 19th beginnings of the 20th century, imperial Russia.



1. Bazant, A. Ispoved’ [Confession]. Severnyj vestnik [The Nothern herald]. 1895, no.1, pp. 215–241; no. 2, pp. 229–247; no. 3, pp. 222–262; no. 4, pp. 209–238.

2. Bajron, Dzh.G. Prorochestvo Dante [Prophecy of Dante]. (Russ. ed.: Series “The library of great writers”, Vengerov S.A. Bajron, Dzh.G. St. Petersburg, Brokgauz–Efron Publ., vol.2.)

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7. Vengerov, S. Stat’ja, predvarjajushhaja Polnoe sobranie sochinenij Shekspir [The isagogig feature to Complete set of Shakespeare’s works]. (Russ. ed.: Series “The library of great writers”, Vengerov S.A. William Shakespeare’s Complete set of works. St. Petersburg, Brokgauz–Efron Publ., 1902, vol.1).

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34. Ostrogorskij, M. Konstitucionnaja jevoljucija Anglii v techenie poslednego poluveka (posvjashhaetsja pamjati M.M. Kovalevskogo) [Constitutional English evolution during the last half–century (dedicated to M. Kowalevski)]. Petersburg., 1916 (Typ. P.P.Usova), 183 p.

35. Ostrogorskij, M.Ja. Konstitucionnaja jevoljucija Anglii (v techenie poslednego poluveka) [Constitutional English evolution during the last half–century]. The European Herald, 1913, vol. 9, pp. 174–205; vol. 10, pp. 174–200; vol. 1, pp. 149–170; vol. 12, pp. 153–170.

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48. Spasovich, V.D. Bajronizm u Pushkina i Lermontova. S prilozheniem kratkoj biografii lorda Bajrona [Pushkin’s and Lermontov’s byronisms. With the application of the short biography of Lord Byron.]. Eds: Bogdan Stepanc. Vil’na, Sev.–zap. kn. izd–vo Publ, 1911, VIII, 88 p.

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