2012-№4(37) Article 4

O.G. Radkova, M.V. Strelets

Ilya Semenovich Kremer and his place in historical science. p. 35–45

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UDC 323.03

LBC 63.3 (4German)


The article is dedicated to the comprehension of the DSc. Prof. Ilya Semenovich Kremer’s contribution into the German studies of Contemporary Times, the history of international relations and foreign policy of the USSR. He published numerous papers dealing with these areas. The analysis of the papers by the scientist related to the subject matter under consideration allowed us to conclude that they were having diverse nature, were notable for the presence of fundamentally substantiated author’s conception. These papers are referenced by many scientists. They are frequently being used in the educational process throughout the former Soviet Union Republics.


Foreign policy, Germany, diplomacy, international relations, peaceful co–existence, USSR, Cold War.



1. Kremer, I.S., ed. Germanskiy proletariat v bor’be za mir s Sovetskoy Rossiey (noyabr’ 1917 – fevral’ 1918) [German proletariat in the struggle for peace with Soviet Russia (November 1917 – February 1918)]. Moscow, AN SSSR Publ., 1963. 152 p.

2. Kremer, I.S., Chubar’yan, A.O., eds. Ocherki istorii vneshney politiki SSSR [Essays on the history of USSR foreign policy]. Moscow, Prosveshchenie Publ., 1964. 228 p.

3. Kremer, I.S., ed. Sovetskiy plan mirnogo uregulirovaniya i nemetskaya burzhuaznaya publitsistika [Soviet peace plan and the German bourgeois publicistic writings]. Kritika zapadnogermanskogo «ostforshunga» [Criticism of the West German «ostforschung»]. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1966. pp. 434–458.

4. Kremer, I.S., Manfreda, A.Z., eds. SShA i kapitalisticheskie strany Evropy v poslevoennye gody. Sozdanie agressivnykh blokov [U.S. and European capitalist countries after the war. Creating of aggressive blocs]. Kratkaya vsemirnaya istoriya. Kn.1 [Brief World History, Vol. 2]. Moscow, Nauka (Science) Publ., 1966. pp. 366–394.

5. Kremer, I.S., Manfreda, A.Z., eds. Bor’ba sil mira i voyny [Struggle of peace and war forces]. Kratkaya vsemirnaya istoriya. Kn. 2 [Brief World History, Vol.2]. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1966. pp. 460–472.

6. Kremer, I.S., ed. Zapadnogermanskie monopolii u vlasti [West German monopolies in power]. Germanskaya istoriya v Novoe i Noveyshee vremya [New and Modern History of Germany]. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1970. Vol.2, ch.10. pp. 434–458.

7. Kremer, I.S., ed. Bor’ba sil demokratii i reaktsii v FRG [Struggle of democracy and reaction forces in Germany]. Germanskaya istoriya v Novoe i Noveyshee vremya [New and Modern History of Germany]. Moscow, Nauka( Science) Publ., 1970. Vol. 2, ch.11, pp. 463–498.

8. Kremer, I.S. Problemy formirovaniya vneshney politiki FRG (1949–1969). Pravyashchiy klass i vneshnyaya politika. Diss. kand. ped. nauk [Problems of German foreign policy making (1949–1969). Cand. ped. siences. Diss.]. Moscow, 1971. 56 p.

9. Kremer, I.S., ed. FRG: vnutripoliticheskaya bor’ba i vneshnyaya orientatsiya. [FRG: internal political struggle and external orientation]. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1977. 334 p.

10. Kremer, I.S., ed. Federativnaya Respublika Germaniya [Federal Republic of Germany]. Vsemirnaya istoriya [World history] – Moscow, Mysl’ Publ., 1979. Vol. 12, pp. 219–229; Vol.13, pp. 221–232.

11. Kremer, I.S. ed. Bor’ba SSSR za mir i kollektivnuyu bezopasnost’ [USSR struggle for peace and collective security]. Kratkaya istoriya SSSR. [Brief history of USSR]. 4th ed, Moscow, Nauka (Science) Publ., 1983. pp. 306–334.

12. Kremer, I.S., ed. SSSR v bor’be za mir i bezopasnost’ narodov [USSR in struggle for peace and international security]. Kratkaya istoriya SSSR [Brief history of USSR]. 4th ed. Moscow, Nauka (Science)Publ., 1983. pp. 480–512.

13. Kremer, I.S. Vneshnyaya politika SSSR [USSR foreign policy]. Kratkaya istoriya SSSR [Brief history of USSR]. 4th ed. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1983. pp. 637–674.

14. Kremer, I.S. ed. FRG: etapy «vostochnoy politiki». [FRG stages of “Ostpolitik”]. Moscow, Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya Publ., 1986. – 220 p.

15. Kremer, I.S., Sagomyan, A.A., Khazanov, A.M., eds. Istoriya mezhdunarodnykh otnosheniy v XX – nachale XXI v. [History of international relations in the XX – beginning of XXI century]. Moscow, IPK MGLU «Rema» Publ., 2009. 264 p.

16. Yubiley Il’i Semenovicha Kremera [Anniversary of Ilya Semenovich Kremer]. Novaya i noveyshaya istoriya [New and recent history]. 2007. – no.4. pp. 220–222.
