2014-№4(45) Article 9

E.I. Sulitsa

Female characters in Old Russian literature: poetic imagery and syncretism. Р. 76-90.

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UDC 821.61


The paper provides a complex analysis of protagonist female characters in Old Russian literary works of different genres. The paper mainly focuses on the genre of chronicles and canonical hagiography (the main character is Saint Princess Olga), and non-canonical hagiog-raphy (Saint Fevronia of Murom). The two characters are used to exemplify the principle of syncretism in depicting a woman, a Holy Princess, at various stages of Russian history (12th – 16th centuries). The paper analyzes Christian, pagan, and folk motifs used to depict the two female characters.

Old Russian literature, folklore, female characters, Christian and pagan motifs, syncretism, hagiography, Saint Princess Olga, Saint Fevronia of Murom



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