2014-№2(43) Article 12

V.A. Krivtsov, A.V. Vodorezov

Active exogenous topography change in Ryazan region. P. 125-142.

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UDC 551.4


The article describes the specifics of propagation and manifestations of currently active natural and man-triggered topology change on the territory of the Ryazan Oblast, disrupting the regional morphology communities. According to obtained measurements, the relative area of surfaces that are subject to denudation, is maximum in the Ryazan section of the East European Upland, where the highest altitudes occur, as well as the greatest erosion and dessication Territories where accumulation is higher (lakustrine-alluvial and biogenous) hold a higher ratio (up to 30,1 %) in the lower and less dessicated Meshchera Lowlands. The share of land that shows anthropogenic morphological sculpture and the amount of soil removed during the development, do not depend on the dessication. In Meshchera, man-made transformation (measured in cubic meters per square kilometer) turns out to be the highest.


topography, morphologic complexes, exogenous processes, denudation, accumulation, anthropogenic morphogenesis.



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