2014-№2(43) Article 2

S.A. Lamsin

Postmodernism and foreign language teaching. P. 14-25.

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UDC 811


The development of computer technologies triggers off changes in pedagogy, namely in practice and philosophy of education. In modern informational society science greatly relies on the ideas of synergy, self-organization, and multidimensionality. In this respect postindustrial system of education demands a new approach which shifts emphasis from acquisition and application of knowledge and lays emphasis on students’ shaping their own knowledge and developing their educational potential. In this respect foreign language teaching is a process of students’ self-development and self-management. Self-managing systems function on the basis of opposition. Self-development and self-organization are implemented through opposition. The author maintains that foreign language teaching should be based on creative situations, which conforms to the requirements of postmodernist philosophy of education and the law of self-managing systems’ development. Creative tasks are viewed as pre-tasks or pre-problems. They are viewed as enigmatic situations which trigger off problems to solve.


Postmodernism, synergy, virtual reality, self-managing systems, self-development, creative situations, creative tasks.



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