2016 №4 (53) Article 8

V.I. Shlykov

The model of European peace and Cardinal Alberoni’s unknown plan of the partitioning of the Ottoman empire . P. 63-72.

UDC 327(460)“16”


The article analyzes cardinal Giulio Alberoni’s unknown geopolitical plan of the partitioning of the Ottoman Empire and the creation of stable peace in Europe impoverished by endless wars of the 17th– 18th centuries. From the 15th century up until the 20th century several plans of the partitioning of the Ottoman Empire were authored by notable Catholic popes (Leo X, Pius V, Clement VIII), powerful European kings and emperors (Francis I, Maximilian I, Louis XIV, Peter I, Joseph II, Napoleon), and prominent political thinkers of the modern age. The partitioning plan by Giulio Alberoni (1664–1752), which was written in Italian and published in Vienna, London, and Paris in German, English, and French (1735), was considerably different from other numerous partitioning plans due to its original conceptual approach. The plan proposed a complex geopolitical reconfiguration of European territories so as to involve all Christian territories in the creation of stable peace. On the one hand Giulio Alberoni’s plan was aimed at securing stable peace in Europe, but on the other hand it was aimed at dislodging Turkish Muslims from Europe, Asia and even from Africa. According to Giulio Alberoni’s plan European peace was to be ensured by the partitioning of the Sublime Porte (aka High Porte). From a strategic point of view, Giulio Alberoni’s plan was a project of another crusade, while from a geopolitical point of view, it was a prototype for the European Union.

plan of the partitioning of the Ottoman Empire, Sublime Porte, world order, Russian Empire, cardinal Giulio Alberoni, Eastern Question.


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