2016 №2 (51) Article 17

V.A. Krivtsov, A.Yu. Vorobyev, M.M. Komarov

The Oka river and the evolution of relief in the southern part of the Meschera lowland in the quaternary period. P. 182- 198.


UDC 551.4

The paper focuses on the data of geomorphologic investigation and the data of wellboring which were performed by the authors during the previous stage of the research. Relying on the data gathered from 2,600 wells, the authors used the Panorama GIS “Map” program to map the relief of the Pleistocene bedrock surface of the southern part of the Meschera Lowland. The research shows the position of erosion features on the drainage network of the Early Pleistocene stage of neo-tectonic activation and covered by the Late Pleistocene layers in the Southern parts of the Meschera Lowland, including erosion cuts into the ancient riverbed of the Oka. The research focuses on the evolution of relief in the southern part of the Meschera Lowland. The paper maintains that during the Pleistocene Period the Oka river was the crucial factor of relief evolution of the territory that is now a part of the Oka lowland.

Bedrock surface relief, ancient erosion cuts, early Pleistocene, Pleistocene layers, the Oka lowland.


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